[jasperreports-questions] search a section within the PDF

2009-08-05 Thread mdavuluri
I have a requirement where i have to create a PDF document which will have several chapters and sections. The user of the document should be able to search for a keyword within a given section and not in the entire document. Is there any way this can be implemented in Jasper by passing some parame

[jasperreports-questions] how to open Jasper Report on the client Ternminal

2009-08-05 Thread Ranjan Prasad
I am Using jasper report I develop a project with struts 1.2 Frame work ; My project generate a PDF report based on a specified database. The problem is it open the PDF file on the Server Terminal(side) i.e (http://localhost:8084/GeoTrak/getdetailReportPage.do) but not on the c

[jasperreports-questions] Problem, when compiling .jrxml files

2009-08-05 Thread niki4ko
I have a well working program, which uses JasperReports. It uses JRBeanCollectionDataSource(List items); to populate the rows with data, but if I compile the .jrxml file either with JasperCompileManager.compileToFile() or with iReports I see only parameters populated without rows. Does anyone have

[jasperreports-questions] How to open jasperviewer at client side

2009-08-05 Thread ranjanprasad
Hi all! Using jasper report I develop a project with struts 1.2 Frame work ; My project generate a PDF report based on a specified database. The problem is it open the PDF file on the Server Terminal(side) i.e (http://localhost:8084/GeoTrak/getdetailReportPage.do) but not on the client Termi