Urrrgs found the problem ... literal error in the interceptor definition :P

> Hi guys,
> I have a problem with a training project using Struts² and Hibernate.
> To encapsulate the crosscutting concern of Session and Transaction 
> handling of Hibernate, I
> tried to write my own Interceptor for my Actions that touches my 
> Service layer.
> The interceptor is very simple ... here is the code:
> public class HibernateTransactionInterceptor implements Interceptor 
> {        public void destroy() {                  }
>    public void init() {
>    }
>    public String intercept(ActionInvocation arg0) throws Exception {
>        Session sess = DAOUtil.getSessionFactory().openSession();
>        Transaction tx = sess.beginTransaction();
>        tx.begin();
>        String result = arg0.invoke();
>        if (result.equals(ActionSupport.ERROR)) {
>            tx.rollback();
>        }
>        else {
>            tx.commit();
>        }
>        sess.close();
>        return result;          }
> }
> I registered this interceptor in my Struts² configuration and use it 
> for all my actions that touches my service layer.
> But it seems that this interceptor is not called in the interceptor 
> chain.
> Here is the Struts² package definition:
>    <package name="myPackage" namespace="/" extends="struts-default">
>        <interceptors>
>            <interceptor name="transactionInterceptor"
> class="org.gartenshop.interceptors.HibernateTransactionInterseptor"/>
>        </interceptors>
>       ...
>       ...
>        <action name="LoadArticleInformation" 
> class="example.actions.LoadArticleInformation">                    
> <interceptor-ref name="transactionInterceptor"/>
>            <!-- we don't define a result here because the action is 
> handling the request directly-->
>        </action>
>       ...
>    </package>
> When I try to load an object from my database this way, I always get 
> an Exception from Hibernate with the message:
> *"load is not valid without active transaction".*
> In my opinion there is an active transaction bound to the Session 
> (because I opened it in the interceptor).
> I use DAOUtil.getSessionFactory().getCurrentSession() to get the 
> Session object opened by the Interceptor.
> Does anyone know where my fault is?
> Kind regards and thanks ahead
> Robert

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