Caused by: read past EOF on Slave

2008-09-25 Thread rahul_k123
First of all, thanks to all the people who helped me in getting the lucene replication setup working and right now its live in our production :-) Everything working fine, except that i am seeing some exceptions on slaves. The following is the one which is occuring more often on slaves at java

CorruptIndexException workaround in 2.3-SNAPSHOT? (Attn: Michael McCandless)

2008-09-25 Thread Ari Miller
According to (Sun hotspot compiler bug in 1.6.0_04/05 affects Lucene), a workaround for the bug which causes the CorruptIndexException was put in to the 2.3 branch and 2.4. However, we are still experiencin

Re: Lucene AND queries

2008-09-25 Thread Yonik Seeley
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 5:04 PM, David Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > thanks! So it seems like lucene does a sequential read of both terms > information in the index and then skips around using docid iterators? Is it > able to push the skipping around into the index so it doesn't need to read > a

Re: Lucene AND queries

2008-09-25 Thread David Lee
thanks! So it seems like lucene does a sequential read of both terms information in the index and then skips around using docid iterators? Is it able to push the skipping around into the index so it doesn't need to read as much? On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 10:56 AM, Yonik Seeley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wr

Re: Lucene AND queries

2008-09-25 Thread Yonik Seeley
On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 1:39 PM, David Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > I was wondering when lucene queries two or more terms, does that mean the > time it takes will be twice as long? For example if I search +lucene > +apache, then does lucene get all the documents that match 'lucene' and all > th

Lucene AND queries

2008-09-25 Thread David Lee
Hi, I was wondering when lucene queries two or more terms, does that mean the time it takes will be twice as long? For example if I search +lucene +apache, then does lucene get all the documents that match 'lucene' and all the documents that match 'apache', and then combine them together? Or can it

Re: Optimizing while readers are open

2008-09-25 Thread Michael McCandless
Eran Sevi wrote: I'm using Windows and it worked just fine, although the procedure is a bit awkward. Why do I have to open a new writer? closing the current one (after switching readers) isn't enough? is it because of deleted documents that need to be updated? It's because Windows doesn'

2.4 release candidate 2

2008-09-25 Thread Michael McCandless
Hi, I just created the second release candidate for Lucene 2.4, here: These are the fixes since RC1: * Issues with CheckIndex (LUCENE-1402) * Removed new yet deprecated ctors for IndexWriter, and set autoCommit=false de

Re: sharing SearchIndexer

2008-09-25 Thread Mark Miller
simon litwan wrote: hi all i tried to reuse the IndexSearcher among all of the threads that are doing searches as described in ( this works fine. but our application does continuous indexing. so the

Re: Optimizing while readers are open

2008-09-25 Thread Eran Sevi
Thanks Mike, I'm using Windows and it worked just fine, although the procedure is a bit awkward. Why do I have to open a new writer? closing the current one (after switching readers) isn't enough? is it because of deleted documents that need to be updated? Do you know if it's different in more ad

Re: Optimizing while readers are open

2008-09-25 Thread Michael McCandless
Are you on Windows? If so, you'll need to then open & close a new IndexWriter after the old reader has switched to the optimized index. That will delete the old files. On other OSs, which usually implement "delete on last close", the disk space should be automatically freed up once you

Optimizing while readers are open

2008-09-25 Thread Eran Sevi
Hi, I have the following scenario using Lucene 2.1 1. Open reader on index to perform some searches. 2. Use reader to check if index is optimized. 2. Open writer and run optimize() 3. Close old reader and open a new reader for further searches. I expected that after closing the old reader , the

sharing SearchIndexer

2008-09-25 Thread simon litwan
hi all i tried to reuse the IndexSearcher among all of the threads that are doing searches as described in ( this works fine. but our application does continuous indexing. so the index is changing and