I responded to the solr-user thread.
Author: http://www.packtpub.com/apache-solr-3-enterprise-search-server/book
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Sent from the Lucene - Java
Dear All,
I was wondering if the Open Relevance Project(ORP) is currently active and
available for users.
I just installed Lucene and was hoping to use the ORP to do some relevance
testing and work with their dataset.
When I search on google I see that the ORP website and wiki have not been
Hi all. I tried posting this in the Solr users group but didnt get any
replies so thought I would try the Lucene group.
hopefully someone is using the lucene spatial toolkit aka LSP aka spatial4j,
and can answer this question
we are using this spatial tool for doing searches. overall, it seems
Hi Pascal!
Thanks for reporting this. I'm pretty positive its a bug in
BooleanScorer2 (i think in dualConjunctionSumScorer method). I
modified TestBoolean2.testRandomQueries to:
1. sometimes add phrase queries (so we don't get the optimized
ConjunctionTermScorer, but BooleanScorer2 for conjunction
We are using Solr 4 with a custom query tree. For boolean queries, the score
should not just be the sum of all sub-scores, but instead it should be the mean
value of all the sub-scores, which is equal to dividing the sum of the
sub-scores by the number of sub-scorers.
To achieve this, I wan