Submission deadline extended till Feb 15, 2015!

          11th International IEEE/IFIP Workshop on
        Software Technologies for Future Embedded and
               Ubiquitous Systems (SEUS 2015)

               in conjunction with ISORC 2015
         April 13-17, 2015 -- Auckland, New Zealand

Important Dates
- Paper Submissions:            Feb 15th, 2015 (was Jan 31st, 2015)
- Notification of acceptance:   Mar  6th, 2015 (was Feb 20th, 2015)
- Camera-ready manuscript due:  Mar 18th, 2015 (was Mar  4th, 2015)
- Workshop Dates:               Apr 14th, 2015 (tbc)

Call for Papers
The fields of both embedded computing and ubiquitous systems have seen
considerable growth over the past few years. Given the advances in
these fields, and also those in the areas of distributed computing,
sensor networks, middleware, etc., the area of ubiquitous embedded
computing is now being envisioned as the way of the future.

The systems and technologies that will arise in support of ubiquit
embedded computing will undoubtedly need to arise a variety of issues,
including dependability, real-time, human-computer interaction,
autonomy, resource constraints, etc. All of these requirements pose a
challenge to the research community.

SEUS 2015 will be a forum where researchers and practitioners with
substantial experiences and interests in advancing the
state-of-the-art and the state-of-practice in the field of embedded
and ubiquitous computing systems gather with the goal of fostering new
ideas, collaborations, and technologies.

We invite contributions that present advances in integrating the
fields of embedded computing and ubiquitous systems. Industrial
applications in the field are also encouraged. Papers can be of
conceptual, theoretical, application-oriented, standards-driving,
innovative design or experimental nature, and should represent
technological or scientific advances.

The main goal is to bring together researchers from all over the
world, to foster a stimulating and fruitful exchange amongst people
working on similar topics, to discuss ideas, exchange field
experiences and to find solutions together to the problems facing
software and hardware technologies for embedded and ubiquitous

Suggested topics of interest include (but are not restricted to) the
- Applications, Components, Services
- Cloud Computing
- Communication Networks
- Computer Architectures
- Embedded Systems
- Middleware and Operating Systems
- Model Based Engineering, Model Driven Engineering
- Programming Languages, Models and Tools
- Programming Paradigm for Multicores and Manycores
- Requirement Specification and Methodologies
- Smart Phones, Smart TVs, and Smart Devices
- Social Computing
- Software Architectures and Software Engineering
- Wearable Computing, Next Generation Computing
- Wireless Sensor Networks and Mobile AdHoc Networks

Paper Submission
Accepted papers will be published in IEEE proceedings. Papers must be
written in English, submitted in PDF format with 8 pages in limit
(including all text, figures, references and appendices), and adhering
to the IEEE paper format. Submission implies the willingness of the
senior author to present his/her paper at the Workshop.

IEEE conference paper templates

Submission site

Program Chair
Jens Knoop, TU Vienna, Austria

Program Committee
Sidharta Andalam, TUM CREATE, Singapore
Lynn Choi, Korea University, Korea
Leandro Soares Indrusiak, University of York, UK
Vana Kalogeraki, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece
Raimund Kirner, University of Hertfordshire, UK
Tei-Wei Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Sunggu Lee, POSTECH, Korea
Robi Malik, The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
Tatsuo Nakajima, Waseda University, Japan
Roman Obermaisser, Universitaet Siegen, Germany
Robert Petitt, The Aerospace Corporation, USA
Peter Puschner, Technische Universitaet Wien, Austria
Franz J. Rammig, Universitaet Paderborn, Germany
Achim Rettberg, Carl von Ossietzky Universitaet Oldenburg, Germany
Stefano Russo, Universita di Napoli Federico II, Italy
Martin Schoeberl, DTU Compute, Lyngby, Denmark
Richard Mark Soley, Object Management Group, USA
Arcot Sowmya, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Sascha Uhrig, Technische Universitaet Dortmund, Germany
Marco A. Wehrmeister, Federal University of Technology - Parana (UTFPR),
Li Hsien Yoong, Invenco Group Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand 

- Authors must upload their manuscripts electronically, via the submission
  link on the workshop web site.
- Please do not email your submission to PC Chair or to any other
  address, to avoid your submission being lost.
- Questions about the appropriateness of a topic for a
  submission may be directed to the PC Chair.
- For more information on SEUS 2015, please check the official website at

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