6 October 2017, Apache Luceneā¢ 7.0.1 available
The Lucene PMC is pleased to announce the release of Apache Lucene 7.0.1
Apache Lucene is a high-performance, full-featured text search engine
library written entirely in Java. It is a technology suitable for nearly
any application that requires
docValues are the first thing I'd look at. What you've done is an
anit-pattern for scoring because it reads the stored data from disk
and decompress it to read the value; as you say costly.
Getting it from a docValues field, OTOH, will read the value(s)
directly from MMapDirectory space, i.e. the
I've implemented a custom Query whose responsibilities are as follows.
First, using an instance of a PointValues.IntersectVisitor classifying
documents as hit or not using a plong value. Secondly, calculating custom
scores using another document field, specified in the mapping as plongs.
The later
Hi koji,
I am not having knowledge of greek characters. so only I am
looking for standard rules to perform greek accent insensitive search.
Does ICUFoldingFilter solve my case? I have tried this already. Its working
fine for greek accent characters.
But this is not language specific...