i had a similar need to create somethink that acts not like a "filter" 
or "tokenizer" but only inserts self-generated tokens into the token-stream. 
(my purpose was to generate all kinds of word-forms for german umlauts...)

the following code-base helped me a lot to create it:

the synonym-filter also adds tokens into the tokenstream

regards, Alex

On Wednesday 14 July 2010 01:11:02 Kai Weingärtner wrote:
> Hello,
> I am trying to create a suggest search (search results are displayed while
> the user is entering the query) for names, but the search should also give
> results if the given name just sounds like an indexed name. However a
> perfect match should be ranked higher than a similar sounding match.
> I looked at the SpellChecker contrib, but this AFAIK cannot handle
> incomplete names (edge n-grams).
> So I came up with this idea and it would be great if anyone could tell me
> if that is sensible or if there is a better way:
> I create an analyzer to be run on the full names, which does the following
> - lowercase
> - build edge n-grams
> put these terms in the field (this would handle correctly spelled input)
> - run soundex on the n-grams
> put there soundexed n-grams in the field as well
> The incoming query will then also run through this analyzer with an
> or-default. So a correct spelling will match the normal n-grams plus the
> soundexed n-grams leading to a good score. A missspelled name would still
> match the soundexed n-grams, leading to a somewhat lower score.
> My current problem is that I don't know how to duplicate the tokens in the
> analyzer so I can add them as normal n-grams and soundexed n-grams. I
> suppose the TeeSinkTokenFilter will get me there, but I could not figure
> out how to add all tokens back in one stream.
> To recap, my questions are: Could this approach work to create a "fuzzy
> suggest"? How do I use the TeeSinkTokenFilter to separate and recombine the
> tokenstream.
> I hope that was clear, thanks for your help!
> Kai
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