My lucene index is not big (about 150M). My computer has 2G RAM but for some 
reason when I'm trying to store my index
using org.apache.lucene.store.RAMDirectory it fails with java out of memory 
exception. Also sometimes for the same
search query time spent on search could raise in 10-20 times. For example:
Search one behavior: run one 90 msec, run two 1647 msec, run three 87 
Search two behavior: run one 2550 msec,  run two 178 msec,  run three 179 
Search three behavior: run one 113 msec,  run two 2744 msec, run three 112
Could somebody explain me the behavior above. Why when my computer has a lot of 
RAM lucene is not fully loaded to it?
Why I could not use RAMDirectory? Why search time is not stable?

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