I have an index of around 3 million records, and typical queries
can result in result sets of between 1 and 400,000 results. 

We have indexed "dateTime" fields in the form 20050415142, that is, to
10-minute precision.

When I try to sort queries I get something back that is roughly sorted
on index, but not quite. Stuff is out of order just a bit. The
size of the result set does not seem to be related occurance of
this problem.

We've tried lucene 1.4-final and1.4.3.

my code looks like this

s = new Sort( new SortField[] { new SortField( "dateTime", SortField.STRING, 
true ), SortField.FIELD_SCORE } );


hits = searcher.search( qry, s );

Any help is appreciated, I'm so far baffled by this problem.


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