
I'm facing the problem solve to which appears to be just few simple lines
but i cannot manage to find them.

I'm using Lucene, 5.4.0
What I'm trying to do is to compose a complex BooleanQuery and at the end I
need to find an intersection of all subqueries without summing score of
subqueries for one result (I'd rather evaluate results by MAX).


    String line = "query consisting of many words";
    BooleanQuery.Builder builder = new BooleanQuery.Builder();
    Query q;
    String[] words = line.split(" ");
    for (String word : words) {
        q = getQuery(word); //getQuery returns boolean subquery
        builder.add(q, Occur.MUST);
    Query result = builder.build();

gives me intersection but is also summing scores. And another code:

    String line = "query consisting of many words";
    List<Query> l = new ArrayList<Query>();
    Query q;
    String[] words = line.split(" ");
    for (String word : words) {
        q = getQuery(word); //getQuery returns boolean subquery
    Query result = DisjunctionMaxQuery(l, 0f);

gives only MAX score for each hit but returns SUM of results of subqueries
instead of intersection.

What query should I use or how to change those to get wanted result? I know
that I could implement my own CustomScoreQuery, own Scorer and so on but i
really believe that  there is easier way. Could you guys give me a hand
with that?

Thanks in advance,
Michał Klecha

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