Hi Scott,

I saw your email and thought of some work I have been doing recently for matching text on the fly. If you are not going to be keeping the emails for later searching then this may provide a faster and easier way of checking your email. It involves using monq which is a java api - http://www.ebi.ac.uk/Rebholz-srv/whatizit/software


As your emails come in you can pass them through this software and any matched regular expressions will trigger java callbacks. The best bit is that no matter how many regular expressions you have (I tried 30,000) you can process 1Mb per second of data, this is because the program just runs through the Finite State Automaton that gets created one character at a time... (this is demoed graphically here - http://www-sr.informatik.uni-tuebingen.de/~buehler/AC/AC.html if you choose the Aho/Corasick algorithm)

Anyways, off topic, so if you want more advice I can email you direct and I'm sure someone else on the list can help you out with the Lucene-related answer...



-----Original Message-----
From: Scott Smith [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 12 May 2006 02:29
To: lucene-user@jakarta.apache.org
Subject: Can lucene do this?

I'm building an application which has to provide "real-time" searching of emails as they come in. I have a number of search strings that I need to apply against each email as it comes in and then do something with the email based on which search string(s) get a hit.

My initial thought was to create a lucene index of the emails received in the last N seconds (where N is around 5 since I don't have to be quite real-time) in a memory directory, do my searches and then delete the index and create a new index for emails received in the next 5
seconds.   I'm a little concerned because the number of search strings
will probably grow over time and so there is a bit of a scalability issue-though I'm not sure there's anyway around that other than doing parallel processing on different machines.

I'm wondering if anyone has any experience doing this kind of thing and has additional or alternate suggestions??


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