Hi everyone, just wondered if I could get peoples opinions on a design issue.

I am designing a system that uses broker / search server pattern.  Each search 
server will be responsible for searching a particular application that will 
consist of multiple indexes.  Initially, these "servers" will reside on the 
same JVM as the broker, but will at some point be distributed.  

Each search server exposes a parallelmultisearcher, which is held in a 
collection in the broker.  When a query is sent to the broker, it assess which 
content type is to be searched, and executes it against the relevant searchable 
- if multiple content types are to be searched simultaenously, it will 
construct a multisearcher on the fly across several search servers - so far so 

However, I want to build filters around specific topics (e.g. category = 
"chemistry") across all content. Is this best done at the broker level, using a 
multisearcher that covers all search servers?  

Initially I imagined each search server having its own cache of filters, but 
this won't work if the query involves multiple content types.  If I cache at 
the broker level, against a multisearcher, this will be lost every time I need 
to refresh an individual searcher.  The other option is not to apply filters on 
searches that involve multiple servers - but not sure if this will be 

Also, would like some advice on how much overhead wrapping multisearchers in 
other multisearchers will add!

Has anyone done anything similar to this?  (and yes, i know Solr does all of 
this, and its an excellent app, but our requirements differ in some ways)

Hope this all makes sense, going round in circles a bit at the moment :)


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