Hey guys,

I've been a big fan of Lucene and have been working with it for sometime.

While trying to use Lucene I often found myself scouring the web, javadoc,
source code, and this mailing list for answers to many of the questions I
had. I wished there was a site where I could find solutions to common
problems, main concepts, and architectural information. I wanted to try to
help here.

Some of you may have already received an e-mail about a cool project that I
have been working on. I am trying to help programmers better understand the
guts of Lucene by creating a simple site consisting of documentation
for the main ideas of Lucene. You can find it here


I want to make this resource available to everyone, and have made the
underlying tooling free for projects like Lucene.

There has been some positive feedback for the site, but I wanted to hear
what the Lucene community thinks of CodeMaps before I focus on other

Thank You,
Seth Rosen
Understand and Document in Seconds!

You can find more information on this initiative here:

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