I've been listening for about a year and a half or so I think...

To answer your question Dianne, I didn't look into going this year in
part for scheduling issues.
The other reason, however lame this may be, is that I only graduated
and started working as an
engineer a year ago, and I'm not sure if I'm really...I don't know,
have enough experience to be able
to contribute to the conference? I guess I'm not too sure if I'd fit
in there?

On the general issue of women in computing, it can be somewhat
depressing to see articles about
percentages of women in computing and CS enrollment numbers in general
etc. However, I still see
a lot of positive things as well. I recently went to the She's Geeky
unconference (
in Mountain View attended by many types of women in technology
(including the Secretary of State of California).
I also attended the Grace Hopper Conference for Women in Computing
( for the last
two years. It's an international conference, and having 1,200+ women
all gathered to discuss technology, research,
etc. is pretty inspiring.

I think the focus should really be on inspiring kids to become
interested in computing. Even the
latest issue of Communications of the ACM has an article on inspiring
women in computing as their cover story.
Having been involved in some outreach efforts, I've seen how many
young women stay away from computing because of some
stereotypes that still exist such as they'll never get a date if they
choose that, or all the jobs are going overseas
or it's simply too hard. That just...makes me sad and I don't really
understand it. For me, I wanted to be an engineer ever
since my dad would bring home his Mac SE from work for me to play
with...haha :) But I've had my share of being made
fun of or doubted and some people just don't want to deal with that,
and they shouldn't have to. I guess my point might be
that availability of computing education and hopeful changes of some
stereotypes should encourage more women to
consider a career in technology.

Um...anyway, maybe I can join next year? :)

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