On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 04:53, work only <vorlonsw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oracle/Sun is protecting Java, you just can't have any company (Google)
> implement a Java environment that does not follow Sun’s specifications! You
> need your Java code to run on any JVM!

Indeed, that is a good argument IMHO. JME did not have much success
partly because it provides just a subset of JSE and at least I was not
able to get a good overview in a reasonable time on what the
differences are in detail.

IMHO the JVM and the basic Java runtime libraries given in the SE
edition (minus soem depreceated things) would be a required
precondition everywhere where it says that Java can be run.

On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 05:09, Robert Casto <casto.rob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Oracle only has 3 concerns.
> 1. Larry Ellison
> 2. Stock Holders
> 3. Serving the wishes of #1 and #2
> It has always been about power and control. Money is a means to an end, and
> enabler. It also serves as a good way to measure and compare. This is just
> business and they won't loose sleep over what it will do to the community.

If Larry and Stock Holders are already thinking about their retirement
and do not care what comes afterwards, you might be right. If the do
want to leave something behind or think long-term, then both - Larry
and Stock Holders must take the community/developers into

Look what happens to Microsoft. Many Ex-Windows developers moved over
to something that can be used on different platforms. By far not all
Ex-VB and Ex-C++-Developers moved over to .net.

The developers decide with the chosen language in the long-term which
products have success. You might argue that there is no business
within Java itself, but hey, if you want to make money with selling
cars, you need to watch out, what people are using to make it (and if
it is just wheels and metal).

Martin Wildam


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