So let's just forget for a minute, if we can, that Apple is in blatant
violation of the Geneva Convention for not supporting Flash on the
iPhone and iPad, and just talk about HTML 5 on its own merits.

HTML 5 is supposedly five years away or so - heck, there's still IE 6
out there, and the standard won't ready for a couple of years.  So you
can only use it for mobile phones that have Webkit browsers and get at
least 1 major firmware a year (make that five if it's an Android
phone, except for the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 which just came out and
shipped with the old Android 1.6 and won't be upgraded to 2.1 until
later in Q4, and by then there's probably two new Android versions out

That's what I thought when I read this article:

There were a couple of interesting facts in it:

- Slide sharing site Scribd recently switched from Flash to HTML 5 and
claims to run on 90% of all browsers out there, including good ol' IE
6 (well, Safari 4 on Mac is apparently not in there, because the
formulas here were screwed up for me:
Apparently, you can use Javascript and CSS styles as a partial
fallback for browser that lack (specific) HTML 5 support.  You can
read more about the conversion here:

- HTML 5 borrows some elements from Docbook with  its new structural
tags, like <header>, <footer>, <section> and <article>.  This should
make posting and parsing documents easier, and I'm not sure it's in
Flash (or Silverlight).

- A lot of the HTML 5 elements, as they are known today, are already
implemented in many browsers, which you can see on this nice HTML 5
page (that looked fine on my Mac):

So, does that mean HTML 5 will be ready for mainstream web projects
before, say, 2015?

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