> I like the fact that James Gosling's wife is judging the competition.

Judging Criteria

All entries will be judged by a panel of experts, which includes *Jame
Gosling*, members of the JavaFX engineering and product marketing teams,
based on the following equally weighted judging criteria.

On Wed, Mar 25, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Joshua Marinacci <jos...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I completely forgot to post about our coding competition (my gmail
> account was somehow nuked when upgrading laptops recently).
> We just announced a JavaFX coding challenge where the top prize is 25k
> (along with many other prizes). There's also a special student
> category.  I'm one of the judges so I'm very excited to see what
> people will come up with. The competition ends in late May.
> http://javafx.com/challenge/
> I've also started a mini competition over at the JFX Studio which ends
> on Sunday. You build something with the theme ingredient and the top
> app in each category: visual creativity, technical skill, and most
> innvoative, will win an alpha copy of a new JavaFX book.
> http://jfxstudio.wordpress.com/2009/03/22/our-first-microchallenge-orange/
> just ask if you have any questions.
>        Josh
> >

Ruben Reusser
headwire.com, Inc
949 595 4365

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