Hi all,
Sorry about this, but there might be many more BrailleNote questions,
including this one, during the next few days, so if you're not
interested then please ignore.
If I use JAWS 8.0.423 demo and a BrailleNote as a refreshable Braille
display, will I be able to feel the Braille, even before Windows XP Home
SP2 starts? You see, I have JAWS start as a service, and I have a
password for my account, meaning that I'm required to enter that before
I log in. I seem to remember that with some Braille displays the JAWS
Video Intercept may come up if JAWS is set to start automatically, i.e.,
as a service. Will this be the case with the BrailleNote? Thanks!
Christopher Hallsworth
Skype name chrishallsworth7266

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