I would like to learn arabic. Right now I am using Jaws 10.0.1154U German 
I am happily using Eloquence in any situation.
For learning arabic I want to use a Papenmeier El 40s braille display along 
with an appropriate speech output.
Right now no Sapi 5 speech is working (stopped working after upgrading Omnipage 
16 to 16.1. But I don't actually bother to do the installation again.

Two questions arise:
1. What is the name of the correct translation table? Right now I am using 
2. Could somebody point me into the direction of a speech synthesizer sapi 5 or 
any thing that just works?
A free synthesizer would be welcome but I'd be prepared to pay for a good 
synthesizer as well.
And of course I would need any given text with English or German translation 
;-) But that seems to be beyond the scope of this list.


Jeronimo Schöber
Leierweg 21
D-44137 Dortmund
Phone : +49 231 9 108 400
Fax   : +49 231 9 108 405
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