OK, very strange with my MS Office issue. As you remember, driving the pc cursor around did not appear to do anything from my perspective. JAWS would always read the same line, even though the system cursor was actually moving around.

After talking with FS tech support, they had me do a couple of things that I should have done on my own. I unloaded JAWS and reloaded it and suddenly the pc cursor started acting properly.

They said that it might be some kind of load issue where some JAWS settings are not properly loading on start as a service, but do load if I start JAWS by hand after a machine boot.

I'll have to experiment more, but after a machine restart, JAWS seems to be behaving properly in an Office document. I will try a full shut down and restart as well.

But it seems to be working now.


Blue skies.
Dan Rossi
Carnegie Mellon University.
E-Mail: d...@andrew.cmu.edu
Tel:    (412) 268-9081

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