

Since I began using Microsoft 2013, I could not use "alt, c" to correct
spelling errors when using Spellcheck. It seemed if that functionality had
changed using keystrokes. Others have put the information out as well to no
avail. Well, it has changed a little.


This week, I  asked the question on Yammer . This morning,  after answering
several questions, I  received a response indicating to not use "alt" and
just use "C, I, etc." and it works. The interesting thing is the
accelerators work using "alt" when using Outlook but not in Word. I choose
not to touch that issue and will remember the difference when spellchecking.
I  will let a  boulder soul than I  to tackle that one.


There is also additional information provided at:
e-0903-4241-a933-a4043c6e326d?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US> &rs=en-US&ad=US


Thank You,

Michelle Clark


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