I'm using Jboss IDE plugin for eclipse with JBoss 4.0.0 and I  get this 
compiling error wheras the getId_intervenant() and setId_intervenant(...) and 
getMot_de_passe() and  setMot_de_passe(...) methods are specified and correctly 
generated by XDoclet.
The problem does not exist for the field reference and date.
Thanks for helping me.

18:47:43,191 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation: 
  | Bean   : EntityRef
  | Section: 10.6.2
  | Warning: The entity bean class must define a get accessor for each CMP 
  | Info   : Field: id_intervenant
  | 18:47:43,472 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation: 
  | Bean   : EntityRef
  | Section: 10.6.2
  | Warning: The entity bean class must define a set accessor for each CMP 
  | Info   : Field: id_intervenant
  | 18:47:43,482 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation: 
  | Bean   : EntityRef
  | Section: 10.6.2
  | Warning: The entity bean class must define a get accessor for each CMP 
  | Info   : Field: mot_de_passe
  | 18:47:43,482 WARN  [verifier] EJB spec violation: 
  | Bean   : EntityRef
  | Section: 10.6.2
  | Warning: The entity bean class must define a set accessor for each CMP 
  | Info   : Field: mot_de_passe

and the code is :

  | import java.rmi.RemoteException;
  | import java.sql.Date;
  | import javax.ejb.CreateException;
  | import javax.ejb.EJBException;
  | import javax.ejb.EntityBean;
  | import javax.ejb.EntityContext;
  | import javax.ejb.RemoveException;
  | /**
  |  * @ejb.bean name="EntityRef"
  |  *           display-name="Name for EntityRef"
  |  *           description="Description for EntityRef"
  |  *           jndi-name="ejb/EntityRef"
  |  *           type="CMP"
  |  *           cmp-version="2.x"
  |  *           view-type="local"
  |  * 
  |  *  @ejb.home generate="local" local-class="com.hitachi.ejb.EntityRefHome"
  |  *  @ejb.interface generate="local" local-class="com.hitachi.ejb.EntityRef"
  |  * 
  |  *  @ejb.persistence 
  |  *  table-name="intervenant"
  |  * 
  |  * @ejb.finder 
  |  *  signature="Collection findAll()"
  |  *  unchecked="true"
  |  *  query="SELECT OBJECT(ref) FROM EntityRef as ref"
  |  *  result-type-mapping="Local"
  |  * 
  |  * @jboss.persistence 
  |  *          datasource="java:/MSSQL_PRODTEST"
  |  *          datasource-mapping="mySQL"
  |  * 
  |  * @jboss.unknown-pk
  |  *  class="EntityRefPK"
  |  *  column-name="id_intervenant"
  |  *  jdbc-type="INTEGER"
  |  *  sql-type="int"
  |  *  auto-increment="true"
  |  * 
  |  *  
  |  * @jboss.entity-command
  |  *        name="mysql-get-generated-keys"
  |  * class="org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.keygen.JDBCMySQLCreateCommand"
  |  */
  | public abstract class EntityRefBean implements EntityBean {
  |     protected EntityContext eContext ;
  |     /**
  |      * 
  |      */
  |     public EntityRefBean() {
  |             super();
  |             // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
  |     }
  |      /**
  |       * 
  |      * @ejb.persistence
  |      * @ejb.pk-field
  |      * @ejb.interface-method
  |      */
  |     public abstract Integer getId_intervenant();
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.interface-method
  |      */
  |     public abstract void setId_intervenant(Integer id_intervenant);
  |     /** 
  |      * @ejb.create-method 
  |      */
  |     public EntityRefPK ejbCreate( 
  |         String fieldA, boolean fieldB, Date fieldC ) 
  |                                                     throws CreateException
  |     {
  |        setReference( fieldA );
  |        setMot_de_passe(fieldB );
  |        setDate(fieldC);
  |        System.out.println("Ejb Entity Create");
  |        return null; 
  |     }
  |     public void ejbPostCreate(
  |             String fieldA, boolean fieldB, Date fieldC) { 
  |         // Ne fait rien    
  |     } 
  |     /**
  |      * 
  |      * @ejb.persistent-field 
  |      * @ejb.interface-method view-type="local"
  |      * @ejb.persistence 
  |      *                      column="reference"
  |      *                      jdbc-type="VARCHAR"
  |      *                      sql-type="varchar(50)"
  |      */
  |     public abstract String getReference();
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.interface-method
  |      */
  |     public abstract void setReference(String login);
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.persistent-field 
  |      * @ejb.interface-method view-type="local"
  |      * @ejb.persistence 
  |      *                      column="mot_de_passe"
  |      *                      jdbc-type="INTEGER"
  |      *                      sql-type="int"
  |      */
  |     public abstract boolean getMot_de_passe();
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.interface-method
  |      */
  |     public abstract void setMot_de_passe(boolean mot_de_passe);
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.persistent-field 
  |      * @ejb.interface-method view-type="local"
  |      * @ejb.persistence 
  |      *                      column="date"
  |      *                      jdbc-type="DATE"
  |      *                      sql-type="DATETIME"
  |      */
  |     public abstract Date getDate();
  |     /**
  |      * @ejb.interface-method
  |      */
  |     public abstract void setDate(Date a);
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbActivate()
  |      */
  |     public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbLoad()
  |      */
  |     public void ejbLoad() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbPassivate()
  |      */
  |     public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbRemove()
  |      */
  |     public void ejbRemove()
  |             throws RemoveException,
  |             EJBException,
  |             RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#ejbStore()
  |      */
  |     public void ejbStore() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#setEntityContext(javax.ejb.EntityContext)
  |      */
  |     public void setEntityContext(EntityContext arg0)
  |             throws EJBException,
  |             RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |             eContext = arg0;
  |     }
  |     /* (non-Javadoc)
  |      * @see javax.ejb.EntityBean#unsetEntityContext()
  |      */
  |     public void unsetEntityContext() throws EJBException, RemoteException {
  |             // TODO Auto-generated method stub
  |              eContext = null;
  |     }
  | }

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