Change Notes item #435361, was updated on 2001-06-22 00:24
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Category: None
Group: v2.4
Status: Open
Priority: 5
Submitted By: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Assigned to: Scott M Stark (starksm)
Summary: Security Changes

Initial Comment:
Added support for the EJB2.0 ejb-jar/assembly-
element that allows a method to be declared as 
accessible by all.

Added support for the EJB2.0 ejb-jar/assembly-
element that allows a method to be declared as 
accessible to no one.

Added an unauthenticated-principal element to allow 
for the specification of
the principal that should be returned by the 
EJBContext.getCallerPrincipal() method.
This principal has no assigned roles.

Added support for a jboss/container-
element that allows for the security manager name. 
This should be used in place of
the role-mapping-manager and authentication-module 
elements. You can no longer supply
independent role mapping and authentication functions.

The custom security proxy interceptor has been broken 
out into a SecurityProxyInterceptor
that is only added to a container if the configuration 
has requested a custom security
proxy. The interceptor is inserted before the 
container interceptor so that the
EJBContext and bean instance are available to the 
custom security proxy.


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