
Deadlock Detector in Java HotSpot VM
A deadlock detection utility has been added to the Java HotSpot VM. The
utility is invoked by a ctrl+\ (on Linux or the Solaris Operating
Environment) or a ctrl-break (on Microsoft Windows) on the command line
while an application is running. The utility detects Java-platform-level
deadlocks, including locking done from the Java Native Interface (JNI), the
Java Virtual Machine Profiler Interface (JVMPI), and Java Virtual Machine
Debug Interface (JVMDI).
When invoked, the utility displays a thread dump to standard out and
indicates any Java-platform-level deadlocks it detects. Refer to this sample
output. If the application is deadlocked because two or more threads are
involved in a cylce to acquire monitors, then the list of such threads and
monitors involved in the deadlocks are displayed. Note, however, that this
will not find deadlocks involving threads waiting on monitors on which no
signal will be forthcoming.

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