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BUILD COMPLETE -  build.209
Date of build: 12/04/2004 11:29:21
Time to build: 12 minutes 2 seconds
Last changed: 12/04/2004 11:22:08
Last log entry: Add a POJO XMBean service that uses the JRMPProxyFactory programatically to expose an IProxy interface to this services echoDate method.

 Unit Tests: (0)  Total Errors and Failures: (0)

 Modifications since last build:  (7) a POJO XMBean service that uses the JRMPProxyFactory programatically to expose an IProxy interface to this services echoDate method. support for injecting jmx kernel types into the underlying xmbean resource based on the xmbean descriptors/injection metadata. This generalizes the previous single hard coded injection of the MBeanServer if the resource supported a setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) method. support for injecting jmx kernel types into the underlying xmbean resource based on the xmbean descriptors/injection metadata. This generalizes the previous single hard coded injection of the MBeanServer if the resource supported a setMBeanServer(MBeanServer) method. any injection specifications to the mbean descriptor MBeanServerType, MBeanInfoType, and ObjectNameType constants for the current injection types the setting of the ModelInfo info ivar to always be done via the setModelMBeanInfo method. an injection element used to specify what jmx kernel object the xmbean resource would like injected. The currentinjection point types are:+ MBeanServerType - the MBeanServer the XMBean is registered with. This requires a setter with an x( signature.+ MBeanInfoType - the XMBean ModelMBeanInfo metadata. This requiresa setter with an x( signature.+ ObjectNameType - the ObjectName the XMBean is registered under. This requires a setter with an x( signature.

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