User development,

A new message was posted in the thread "Graphical eclipse editor for jBPM 4.3?":

Author  : Achim Heynen
Profile :

Hi everyone,
we just tried to update from jBPM 4.2 to jBPM 4.3 because we have been waiting 
for drools support in jBPM. We used the jBPM JPDL4 Editor included in the JBoss 
Tools with Eclipse 3.5 before and updated it as the RC1 has been released a few 
days ago. Unfortunately it seems that <rules-decision> tags have no graphical 
output in the editor. Is there another eclipse-based editor that is able to 
display the improvements of jbpm 4.3 or how do you handle the (graphically) 
unsupported JPDL-elements?
Thanks for your help!


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