
First my environment:
Java: 1.5.0_16
JBoss Application Server: 4.0.5.GA (but the Problem seems to be present in 4.2 
and 5.0 too)

I'm facing a problem during packaging some WAR archives into an EAR, moving the 
depending libraries into the EAR and add them to the appropriate MANIFEST.MF.

But now the server does not find the tld's. We are using Maven and don't want 
to put the tld's into the WEB-INF and web.xml since this would break the 
dependency management of maven. The server should find the tld's within the 
jars in the META-INF folder. This works perfectly if the jars are stored in 
WEB-INF/lib. But we don't want duplicate jars in multiple WAR archives. The 
exact goal of an EAR.

So I looked into the sources code. And I think I found the Problem, but I'm not 
sure if the current behavior is the expected or this is a bug. So here is what 
I found:

In deploy\jbossweb-tomcat55.sar\conf\web.xml you set 'engineOptionsClass' to 
'org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.jasper.JspServletOptions' (with jBoss 4.2 the package 
changed, but the file seems to be the same). This class uses 
'org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.jasper.TagLibCache' to search for TLDs. TagLibCache 
is derived from the Tomcat default class TldLocationsCache. The Tomcat version 
searches the classpath for jar's with tld's but the jboss version does not. 
Both are seaching in web.xml and the file system below WEB-INF.
The getLocation method of jboss only looks into his own map. If the super 
method wold be called too, you could save work in your implementation and the 
class path would be considered too.
The method may be look like this:

  |    public String[] getLocation(String uri) throws JasperException
  |    {
  |       if (mappings == null)
  |          init();
  |       String[] locations = (String[]) mappings.get(uri);
  |       if (locations == null){                             // new
  |           locations = super.getLocation(uri);       // new
  |       }                                                          // new
  |       return locations;
  |    }

But unfortunately this does not work ether. The next problem is the 
ClassLoader. The appropriate ClassLoader is the UnifiedClassLoader3 and his 
super classes RepositoryClassLoader and URLClassLoader. Within URLClassLoader 
there is this member ucp, which has URLs to the JARs we are looking for. 
TldLocationsCache uses URLClassLoader.getURLs() to get the URLs. Nearly 
perfect! But RepositoryClassLoader overrides this method and returns an empty 
array. The comment says:

  |    /**
  |    * Return an empty URL array to force the RMI marshalling subsystem to
  |    * use the <tt>java.server.codebase</tt> property as the annotated 
  |    *
So TldLocationsCache can't get the URLs to the JARs in EAR and can't find the 

On this point I stopped digging into the code. The questions left for me are: 
Why does RepositoryClassLoader override getURLs()? Is it possible to get the 
URLs in a different way? In my opinion jboss should be able to load TLDs from 
JARs within the EAR.

I would be pleased about your opinion on the problem.


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