Sorry to reply to my own topics...
I've found how to solve my problem.
There is a jndi.properties file in the twiddle.jar file.
In the jndi.properties file, I've added the line:
Now when my Jboss server is down, twiddle.sh returns an Exception.
I still have to modi
It seems that I have to use the jndi option:
to disable the multicast.
I wonder how to set this option without changing the Twiddle.java code.
Should I create a jndi.properties file in the twiddle.jar or should I add a
parameter to my java command line in the twid
Thanks Dimitris for your answer.
I've search for the option but I can't find it.
As you told me, in the org.jboss.console.twiddle.Twiddle.java, I can see:
Properties props = new Properties(System.getProperties());
props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, serverURL);
ctx = new InitialContext(
I use twiddle.sh to monitor some attributes of my jboss server.
When the Jboss server is up, I can get without problem the attributes of the
However, if the server I request is down, twiddle.sh still return values (for
example for FreeMemory).
I've tried to get the jboss.system