[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Problem running TestNG tests from maven

2007-04-26 Thread ehstowa
Hi, we are running Seam 1.2.1 MyFaces 1.1.5 on Tomcat 5.5.20 When running TestNG tests from Eclipse or Idea, all tests work fine, however when running them from Maven, all fail with the error: java.lang.NullPointerException at org.jboss.seam.mock.SeamTest$Request.run(SeamTest.java:418)

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Another Seam, Myfaces, Facelets, Ajax4JSF and Trinidad probl

2007-02-19 Thread ehstowa
Hi, I m using Seam 1.1.6 , Myfaces 1.1.4 , Facelets 1.1.12 , Ajax4JSF 1.0.6 , Trinidad incubator-m1-SNAPSHOT , but cant get it to run with the trinidad part. I have tried to follow all the example apps the a4j, seam and trinidad sites have posted, but still get the error below. My web.xml:

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Another Seam, Myfaces, Facelets, Ajax4JSF and Trinidad p

2007-02-19 Thread ehstowa
Hi again, thanks but as I am using the correct view_handler context-param | param-nameorg.apache.myfaces.trinidad.ALTERNATE_VIEW_HANDLER/param-name | param-valueorg.jboss.seam.ui.facelet.SeamFaceletViewHandler/param-value | !--