You must use the exact connection properties of the GWT console.
See $jbpm_home/jboss-5.0.0.GA/server/default/deploy/jbpm/jbpm-hsqldb-ds.xml
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You can find basic configuration documentation on
Currently, the extension points are not all worked out yet, so that's the
reason we haven't document them at all.
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Currently, the jbpm console only works out-of-the-box for JBoss. Tomcat support
is on the roadmap, so this should facilitate deploying it on websphere.
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I don't know the exact details. You'll probably find them on
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Basic Drools integration is targetted for the next release. So if all goes
well, native drools integration will be possible in september:
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You don't have to rely on Hibernate/SQL queries. Acquiring tasks using a
process instance id is covered by the API:
List tasks =
anonymous wrote : 1.When the process start, Does it create/persist all task
defined int t
anonymous wrote : I am very excited about the beta release of JBPM4.
jBPM4 isnt beta anymore ... GA was released last Friday. But we're very happy
that you are excited :-)
anonymous wrote : From what I have read it has native Spring integration, which
is something I require on my current proje
You are correct, see my comment on the issue
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The main issue here is that classes need to be found by the classloader on
deploy-time, since they are instantiated for caching purposes.
If you use the JBoss integration, you could put these dependencies in the
userlibs folder.
The other 'workaround' is to have the deployment of proc
The jbpm.jpdl.hbm.xml file should be deleted, the JpdlExecution class has been
removed from 4.0.
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Variable history isnt completely worked out yet, should be in one of the next
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Variable history isnt completely worked out yet, should be in one of the next
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jBPM4 hasnt been tested yet on Websphere. But when you use jBPM as a standalone
library, I don't expect any problems.
There is no dependency on EJB3 to function correctlym jBPM is Java SE library.
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Filed an issue for it:
Although, I believe the userguide is already updated, I'll do a re-check on the
complete guide.
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No, this is not correct. The documentation states: 'indicates if an
asynchronous continuation should be performed before the element is executed.'
If you try the async activity example in the distribution, you can modify the
test case (ie remove the job execution through the mgt service) and you
Try to remove the current="true" from the spring-transaction-interceptor.
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For the moment it is hard to separate jBPM from Hibernate. It would require
several hacks which possibly lead to strange situations.
But the research for switching to JPA is on the roadmap (but I don't know when
that will be)
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Probably something is missing in your jbpm.cfg.xml. Can u post it?
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anonymous wrote : I'm curious as to what else can be passed to the java object.
Like I'd like to get a copy of the actual Execution.
Afaik, there is no easy way to just inject the actual executions, since
* There are potentially many many executions active
* Spring injects dependencies when the
How are u using this process? Can u post the code to start the process instance?
Are you using the spring integration?
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Could you paste your unit test?
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jboss-user mailing list
ould you post this unit test?
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jboss-user mailing list
Native Spring integration is already in 4.0CR1, but the 4.0GA will contain a
polished approach and documentation.
You can take a look at
for the draft documentation and a demo based on CR1
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The usage that you describe (wait states, mailing, timers) is supported by jBPM.
But ofc, without proper requirements there is no way to do an estimation.
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You could use a custom activity. Then you have access to an Execution which
allows you to do what you want.
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The server have been moved to new datacenters. The DNS servers are
not yet up to date ... the docs should be up very soon.
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Try to check out the latest version - there was an issue with CR1 and the blank
page (which was fixed in the official distribution but wasnt backported)
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Adding more executor threads will only help when there is a bottleneck in the
asynchronous continuations, not in regular business process execution.
But tweaking Hibernate for your needs is generally an excellent idea.
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In jBPM3, you can make a node 'async', which does exactly that
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Different execution modes is something that will be worked out in one of the
next versiosn (ie 4.x). Do note that the use cases for business procecess with
no persistency are extremely limited. You're talking more about modeling
algortihms then instead of business processes, where generally one
Those methods are used for wiring jBPM objects together (aka dependeny
management). So unless you really want to do something extremely exotic, you'll
never need them.
A good indication is the fact that the class is in the *.internal.* package.
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It is logical you can't find the current Hibernate Session, since there is
none. A hibernate session is only open during a jbpm operation and is closed
So I guess that basically what you want is access to the same SessionFactory as
the one that is used by jBPM, which you can get thr
I assumed you were calling this methdo from within a delegation from your
process ... where do you want to use this method?
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Normally through the TaskQuery interface ... but it seems that querying by
processInstancze has slipped through the CR1 release, so keep an eye on the
commits the next days ;-)
see also
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You can use the following construction:
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You configure jBPM to handle the transactions:
but you comment out
(check the comment). So my wild guess is that you need a hibernate config to
make it work.
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Yes, it works in Spring. Spring binds the transaction to the current thread,
which you configure in your jbpm.cfg.xml:
But you hadn't told me you were working in Spring and I assumed a traditional
jBPM config ;-)
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The long-running is not the problem, that's raison d'etre of workflow systems.
The difficult thing here is indeed the changes at runtime. This is hard in any
workflow system. But like I said, you can do it with jBPM, but you'll need to
know the datamodel of jBPM by heart if you want to do it.
This is completely depending on your transaction configuration. But updating
your domain to make jbpm work doesn't seems right to me.
Can u post your config?
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What is your problem exactly?
How are you ending your tasks?
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It is possible. In the end its a matter of database manipulations, but I've
never done it myself.
Otoh, you should make out for yourself is this 'dynamic workflow' really is
needed. Workflow systems are used to make people do the same, company-wide. If
some people do need to do other things (ie
Are you sure the actions are completely finished. Check your database to see in
which node your token is.
Also, executionContext.getProcessInstance().signal(); is going to give you
strange behaviour since now you are signalling the root token. Try to use
View th
I agree, this is something that'll need a manual modification. Ie by using a
prefix in the process def names or by adding a join table, matching process def
to a module.
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Beta 2 should be out any moment now. RC1 is expected for next month, and GA for
1st of July
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You can download the beta zip from Unzip it, and run
the installer. You should get a doc folder containing the userguide and the
developers guide.
As Ronald states, when v4 goes GA, the idea is to have a zip you can download,
unzip a
It certainly can. As Ronald states, synchronisation happens on the database.
for example.
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Check out .
Taking a quick look at your config, it seems that you define too much (eg
sessionFactory AND datasource in JNDI). Try to start from the most basic
configuration and see what happens.
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Is this the complete process def?
There is no node called 'RealEstateProcInvoke', which is one of the parallel
Nonetheless, my guess is that you probably forgot to add execution.leaveNode()
at the end of your custom actionHandler.
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anonymous wrote : I think you are understanding 100% what Ronald is
And this should be ofc 'not understanding 100%' ...
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I think you are understanding 100% what Ronald is explaining:
in you Action Handler class implementation, you can simply use the jBPM
ExpressionEvaluator and try to get the variable from this object using the
string you use between the #{}. This way, you can use your debugger,
system.out, ... w
You need to call the jbpmConfiguration.startJobExecutor() operation. Timers are
in fact a subclass of Jobs, so something is needed to execute the (also dont
forget to define a valid SchedulerService)
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You can't directly call another language from Java (unless you're using JNA).
That is not a limitation of Java, but of programming languages in general.
You can however use any scripting language supported by the JVM.
If that is a problem, you could write the php could, put a remote facade in
Simply call the operation before the close()
method is invoked.
The logging for the process instance, including the subprocesses, will be
stored in the log table.
For a task, you should do
| JbpmContext context = ...;
| TaskInstance task = context.getTask
You could try to model this functionality by setting a node-enter event on the
error node, and retrieve the previous node the token was in and store it as a
process variable.
After completion of the node, you can use this variable to get back to where
you came from.
But isn't a global exceptio
It's certainly possible. I don't know for jBPM 4 (yet), but for jBPM Bernd
Ru??cker has written a good articale about it:
Perhaps you can use the ideas in the article for your problem.
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Take a look at the taskController. You can define process variables as
'required' in this controller (in the process xml).
The TaskController is an interface, so it is easy to change the functionality
if needed (eg transition specific variables?)
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- What transactionManager are you using?
- Is jBPM configured properly for Seam? (see
- How is the transaction management configu
This certainly is possible. If the console and your webapp are pointing to the
same database, there should be no problem.
My wild guess is that something fishy is going on with your transactions. The
console can't see the data because it is uncommitted. And for a strange reason,
closing your se
I assume you have multiple JobExecutors going.
Then the StaleObject exceptions are to be expected when multiple threads try to
lock the jobs. One jobexecutor tries to lock a job, and another tries this
also. After acquiring the lock, they can execute it. But in this acquire phase
you can expect
Creating runtime tasks is easy: simple create a new TaskInstance and save it
with Hibernate. The only caveat is that it needs a token, I believe (which is a
bad design choice, but it works nonetheless).
In jBPM4, the task component will be a seperate component, which will allow
even easier crea
The jobs are indeed taken care of by an external component (thread, MDB, ...).
Easiest way to try it is doing JbpmConfiguration.startJobExecutor()
More explanation:
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I haven't tried it yet, but I don't see any problems. After all, Hibernate will
handle the primary key for jBPM and I don't see any problems in that.
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If you take a look at the jBPM hbms, you'll see that the id generator is set to
'native'. According to Hibernate doc, this means that indeed only one sequence
will be used...
You can change this by changing the hbms of jBPM.
See for more information.
View the o
I used the community versions.
also see
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1. logging is tunred on by adding to the jbpm.cfg.xml
2. In the database, in the table JBPM_LOG. All process activity is stored
there. Try to use the Hibernate LogInstance class and subclasses to make
reading the data there a bit easier.
3. No existing tools atm
4. No, you will have to code i
woo37830, Reacting like that will get you only no answers.
I will give you my opinion nontheless:
What you want is conceptually wrong: a process should not have to know anything
about how it will be shown in the front-end. It is as if you would store
stylesheet urls in your Hibernate domain mod
anonymous wrote : 'a next' hahaha the next release or a future
release... or is this my Dutch/English/French/Spanish nit-picking problem again
Ronald, that's why I said 'a' next release and not 'the' next release ;-)
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Afaik it's not possible atm. I do believe that the feature is planned for a
next release.
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Correct Ronald, the 'isTransactionEnabled' attribute should be set to false in
that case.
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Another option is using an external sessionFactory on which a
transactionmanager is defined. This sessionFactory can be set onto the
dbPersistencyService through a jBPMContext.
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anonymous wrote : If you are saying that I have to manually close a context in
order to flush/commit, I would say that's a very bad design. Sure, while I am
in my unit test I have the option of calling context.close(), a longer running
process with various wait states does not have that luxury.
Looks fine at first sight.
Is the executor started? Eg in a non-enterprise environment, have you called
jbpmConfiguration.startJobExecutor() ?
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Is the job scheduler correctly configured in the jbpm.cfg ? Please post the
config here.
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Try to see the SQL output (hibernate config option) and check where it is slow.
The query should be fast since it is only one DB table...perhaps you'll need to
create some indices
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I'm impressed with what you've been doing. Great job!
In fact, I'm spreading the word to as much people as I can:
Congrats with your blog. Hope to see something spectacular there soon ;-)
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Mmm good point... never needed the Drools forum up till now :p
If you look at their website, there is a mailinglist: ... perhaps worth to try there?
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RulesFlow != jBPM.
Try the Drools forum, they'll be able to help you.
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What you could do is creating a custom ActionHandler which initilises the
subprocesss using the variables of the superprocess.
The disadvantage is that the superprocess won't be triggered when the
subprocess has finished, but if that's ok I think the easiest solution is the
That is explained here:
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- If the config file is not named 'jbpm.cfg.xml' -> this is a bug in 3.2.3.
Rename the file to jbpm.cfg.xml and it is fixed.
- If not, having the config file on the classpath usually does the trick
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I've tested it with jBPM3 trunk: the bug is gone :-)
(there is however another bug (task list was null), but I'm sure it was because
I'm on trunk).
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naruszef, indeed there is only one processInstance 'active' at any time since
only one thread is running. Someone on this forum already suggested doing that
test, I guess I can't run from it anymore ;-)
If I find some time the next days, I'll give it a try.
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Perhaps you already found my blogpost on which I discuss a (limited)
performance test:
Hope it helps.
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Reply t
Note that the exception handling mechanism of jBPM is not completely similar to
the java exception handling. In java, a caught exception can have an influence
on the control flow. In the case of jBPM, control fl
Damn typo. Url should be
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JIRA issue added: [url]]/url].
Don't hesitate if you really want to fix it ;-)
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This depends on 2 things:
1) Which is the GUI technology
2) How is jbpm used: workflow/pageflow/...
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Afaik, the straightforward way to do this is by querying the JBPM_LOG.
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Ronald, thanks for taking a look! These are my remarks:
- Including jbpm.cfg.xml indeed fixed the test (I tried it before posting, I
speak stacktrace ;-). The problem however is that the configuration file in my
application isn't named 'jbpm.cfg.xml' ...
- Strangely I thought that it was bsh re
Hi all,
I've been trying to port an app from jpdl 3.2.2 to 3.2.3.
However, when using expression I always get a strange error (see below).
I've written a unit test
( you can use to
test it (simply add jpdl lib + /lib map of jpdl dis
Undo functionality is something that's not easily to implement nor can it
generically be solved since custom actionHandlers always mess up things.
A possible approach is:
- use the jbpm log for the simple rollbacks
- use an undo operation on actionHandlers
As you see, quite some work will be in
I haven't tested this, but while strolling through the code I saw that:
- GetTaskListCommand extends AbstractGetObjectBaseCommand.
- AbstractGetObjectBaseCommand has a method setIncludeAllVariables(boolean
includeAllVariables) and setVariablesToInclude(String[] variablesToInclude).
I saw that yo
Nice stuff Bernd.
I'll try to look into it if I find some time
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How did you attach this "println statement" to the Task?
The best approach to do this, is using a custom ActionHandler in which the
printing happens, instead of using a task.
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Jbpm is a plain old java library, so simply include the jar and your up and
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This functionality is possible: the data entry is a task and the checking is a
Let the second task (checking) have 2 transitions, one going back (to data
entry) and one going further in the process.
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I've quickly went over the pages in the document, and it looks a decent
introduction to jBPM.
Thanks for contributing this to the community, I'm sure it'll come in handy for
many people!
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Dynamic timer can be implemented by using a custom ActionHandler,
defined in an action that is set on the timer-create event.
The custom ActionHandler can then retrieve the Timer from the database, and
change its values.
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Could it be that there is a small error in this query (found in
I believe the text in bold should be = :nodeName.
Am I correct?
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You could set a process variable indicating the transition that was taken
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