[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Configuring multiple LDAP servers

2009-02-20 Thread klj62
Portal: 2.2.1SP3 AS: 4.0.4GA bundled download There does not seem to be any way to define the Portal mbean's to stack authentication in the jboss-service.xml as you can in the login-config.xml. The UserModule and RoleModule mbeans can be configured with contexts and filters that work for a si

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: LayoutStrategy HttpSession and PortletSession with APPLI

2007-01-12 Thread klj62
I have further refined this and have concluded that it is a JBoss bug, but haven't narrowed it down to JBoss Portal (2.2.1SP3) or the AS (4.0.4GA). I added a session attribute listener and printed the session ID when attributes were added from both the portlet and from the strategy class. The

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - LayoutStrategy HttpSession and PortletSession with APPLICATI

2007-01-11 Thread klj62
We are currently using the JBoss Portal 2.2.1SP3 Bundle and are attempting to set a session attribute in a portlet for access by a layout strategy, which has access to the HttpSession. Yes, we've read the spec and are using APPLICATION_SCOPE. Both the layout strategy class and the portlet clas

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Re: isUserInRole returning hardcoded false

2006-11-02 Thread klj62
Issue Resolved -- This method is being called from a request dispatcher "include". The only instantiation of a DispatchedHttpServletRequest object that I could find is in the PortletRequestDispatcherImpl class, and only for the case of a JSP dispatcher "include". Although the original reques

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - isUserInRole returning hardcoded false

2006-11-01 Thread klj62
JBoss Portal Version 2.2.1 SP3 downloaded JBoss AS Version 4.0.4 GA OS Platform Windows XP >From JSPs, the request.isUserInRole("rolename") is returning false. We >discovered that this is hardcoded to "return false" in the >DispatchedHttpServletRequest class.

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - Container-managed Portal Security

2006-09-27 Thread klj62
We are using container-managed security defined in the web-inf/web.xml file and the server's login-config.xml file. The validation uses LDAP/Active Directory and is successful. However we continue to have problems with the authentication being visible through the portal. We cannot retrieve t

[jboss-user] [JBoss Portal] - getRemoteUser null after basic authentication

2006-08-30 Thread klj62
We have successfully applied a security-constraint with basic authentication to "/*" which generates the expected login popup. After entering valid information, the user is theoretically authenticated, but the request.getRemoteUser() continues returning null. When the security constraint is ap