Portal: 2.2.1SP3
AS: 4.0.4GA
bundled download
There does not seem to be any way to define the Portal mbean's to stack
authentication in the jboss-service.xml as you can in the login-config.xml.
The UserModule and RoleModule mbeans can be configured with contexts and
filters that work for a si
I have further refined this and have concluded that it is a JBoss bug, but
haven't narrowed it down to JBoss Portal (2.2.1SP3) or the AS (4.0.4GA).
I added a session attribute listener and printed the session ID when attributes
were added from both the portlet and from the strategy class. The
We are currently using the JBoss Portal 2.2.1SP3 Bundle and are attempting to
set a session attribute in a portlet for access by a layout strategy, which has
access to the HttpSession.
Yes, we've read the spec and are using APPLICATION_SCOPE. Both the layout
strategy class and the portlet clas
Issue Resolved --
This method is being called from a request dispatcher "include". The only
instantiation of a DispatchedHttpServletRequest object that I could find is in
the PortletRequestDispatcherImpl class, and only for the case of a JSP
dispatcher "include".
Although the original reques
JBoss Portal Version 2.2.1 SP3 downloaded
JBoss AS Version 4.0.4 GA
OS Platform Windows XP
>From JSPs, the request.isUserInRole("rolename") is returning false. We
>discovered that this is hardcoded to "return false" in the
>DispatchedHttpServletRequest class.
We are using container-managed security defined in the web-inf/web.xml file and
the server's login-config.xml file. The validation uses LDAP/Active Directory
and is successful. However we continue to have problems with the
authentication being visible through the portal. We cannot retrieve t
We have successfully applied a security-constraint with basic authentication to
"/*" which generates the expected login popup. After entering valid
information, the user is theoretically authenticated, but the
request.getRemoteUser() continues returning null.
When the security constraint is ap