[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Deployment error

2009-09-23 Thread moonbird79
Hi, I have a an eclipse Java Enterprise project, which consists of a ejb-project and a dynamic-web-project. My web-project needs the ActiveMQ client library to connect to the middleware. So I copied the activemq-all-5.3.jar to the folder WEB-INF/lib and starteted the EAR deployment to my JBoss

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Re: Deployment error

2009-09-23 Thread moonbird79
... may be it is importing to know, that in my architecture ActiveMQ ist NOT embedded in the JBoss AS. So it is not in the AS container... View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4256641#4256641 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration Deployment] - Re: Deployment error

2009-09-23 Thread moonbird79
...I am a little bit confused, do I need a persistence.xml in my web-application with the activemq client library ?? I read something like this if I google this error message : https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/EJBTHREE-1166 View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-27 Thread moonbird79
...this is what i tryed :-/ the lookup call throw no exceptions but the queueConnectionFactory object is null (i got the output NULL for queueC...). STRANGE :-( if i try to create a new queueConnection like this: queueConnection = queueConnectionFactory.createQueueConnection(); ... of course -

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-27 Thread moonbird79
Is this topic a JBoss JNDI bug ? http://www.nabble.com/JNDI-with-ActiveMQ-embedded-in-JBoss-AS-td25151104.html View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4252037#4252037 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-26 Thread moonbird79
This is my datasource for the activemq provider: | ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8? | | !DOCTYPE connection-factories | PUBLIC -//JBoss//DTD JBOSS JCA Config 1.5//EN | http://www.jboss.org/j2ee/dtd/jboss-ds_1_5.dtd; | | connection-factories | |

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-26 Thread moonbird79
... and as far as this site describes: http://activemq.apache.org/jndi-support.html ActiveMQ will work with any JNDI provider capable of storing Java objects. View the original post : http://www.jboss.org/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4251760#4251760 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-26 Thread moonbird79
and - if i uncomment: //queueConnectionFactory = new ActiveMQConnectionFactory(ActiveMQConnection.DEFAULT_BROKER_URL); it works - but - without jndi support :-( and ActiveMQConnectionFactory is not a JMS API call ! :-( View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-26 Thread moonbird79
for alle people who dont know why my connectionfactory is available in the (not common for jca ressource adapter) GLOBAL jndi namespace, you have to use: use-java-contextfalse/use-java-context ... in your datasource file. ;-) View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JCA] - JCA / JNDI / ActiveMQ

2009-08-25 Thread moonbird79
Hi, i have successfully embedded ActiveMQ via JCA/RA in JBoss 5.1: http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html Now I like to use JNDI to lookup ActiveMQs ConnectionFactory and the Destinations from a java/jms client outside the application server. My Problem is, that

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-25 Thread moonbird79
Hi, i have successfully embedded ActiveMQ via JCA/RA in JBoss 5.1: http://activemq.apache.org/integrating-apache-activemq-with-jboss.html Now I like to use JNDI to lookup ActiveMQs ConnectionFactory and the Destinations from a java/jms client outside the application server. My Problem is, that

[jboss-user] [JNDI and Naming] - Re: JNDI lookup from JBoss embedded MQ Provider

2009-08-25 Thread moonbird79
This is my code fragment, after the jndi lookup conectionfactory and the destination are both null :-( : | // initialize jndi connection (jboss specific configuration) | Properties props = new Properties(); | props.setProperty(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - JBoss Messaging 2.x

2009-08-05 Thread moonbird79
Hi, some questions about JBM 2.x: When will it be official available ? Is it right, that it will include a c/c++ API ? Which wire-protocol will the c/c++ API use ? Is the beta c/c++ API available for testing ? Thx, Alex View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - JBoss Messaging 2.x / STOMP

2009-08-05 Thread moonbird79
Hi, I just read about JBM and STOMP: JBoss Messaging will be shortly implementing the STOMP protocol on the broker, thus avoiding having to use StompConnect. in:

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - JBM / JMS / EAI / c++ / wire-protocol

2009-08-04 Thread moonbird79
Hi, i write my diploma thesis about Enterprise Application Integration and I am a little bit confused, may be you can help me: I have a JBoss AS-5, running with JBM 1.x and 2 Queues. My task is to connect from an old c++ application to my queues as a consument. At the moment the c++