[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - transaction timeout for managed conversation transaction

2008-03-14 Thread nes
Hello, I have this snippet: @Asynchronous public void rebuildIndex() { FullTextSession session = (FullTextSession) entityManager.getDelegate(); Transaction userTx = session.beginTransaction(); userTx.setTimeout(10); ... } Now, the problem is that the setTimeout call fails, because you

[jboss-user] [Beginners Corner] - Using the persistence manager in an entity bean

2008-03-11 Thread nes
Greetings! I have an entity bean called person which has a 1:n relationship to another entity bean called job, which contains all jobs that this person has ever had. now, i'd like to have a function in person, which gives me only one of these jobs, namely the one he's currently working for. i