(This post is a reply to a previous topic. I am opening a new topic because the 
old one doesn't allow me to post a reply)

Although a bit too late, this might come handy for those who are stuck on 3.0.X 
versions of the GPD. Here is the solution:

You'll have to modify a source file of the plugin, recompile and put in the 
ui.jar for this, unless of course JBoss guys won't be reluctant to solve this 
bug for previous versions.

The freezing occurs when an event happens triggering the refreshing of the 
included classes that are shown on a tree view on the deployment page (tab).
If you're not using the deployment tab you can simply comment out the relevant 
lines in the org.jbpm.ui.editor.DeploymentForm
so that the refreshhing never occurs.

Line number circa 350:
private Composite createIncludeClassesSection() {
  |     Section includeClassesDetails = toolkit.createSection(form.getBody(), 
  |     ...
  |     tree.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
  |             public void run() {
  |                     /* Comment out below lines */
  |                     //includeClassesTreeViewer.updateChecks();
  |             }                       
  |     });
  |     return includeClassesFormClient;
  | }
  | Line number circa 500:
  | public void refresh(final ArrayList objectsToRefresh) {             
  |     form.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
  |             public void run() {
  |             /* Comment out below lines */
  |                     //refreshIncludeClassesTreeViewer(objectsToRefresh);
  |                     //refreshIncludeFilesTreeViewer(objectsToRefresh);
  |             }                       
  |     });
  | }
If however you are using that tab, you can leave the 
createIncludeClassesSection method as it is, and comment out the lines in the 
refresh method only.
Line number circa 500:
public void refresh(final ArrayList objectsToRefresh) {         
  |     form.getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
  |             public void run() {
  |             /* Comment out below lines */
  |                     //refreshIncludeClassesTreeViewer(objectsToRefresh);
  |                     //refreshIncludeFilesTreeViewer(objectsToRefresh);
  |             }                       
  |     });
  | }
In this case, refreshing doesn't occur when you change and save the diagram or 
add new jars to the project classpath etc.
But it works as normal (and freezes as well) when you first open the project. 
So you have to close and reopen the project everytime you add new jars to the 
classpath in order to use the deployment tab properly.


Polat Tuzla

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