I am having the same problem but I am doing it a little different.

Whenever I package the ear file and deploy it as a file.  I can delete that 
file and jboss will undeploy it.  No problems here (besides being slow as 

Whenever I deploy it as an exploded directory (same exact structure).  I cannot 
delete that directory without shutting down jboss because the classloader 
appears to be holding onto the supporting library jar files that are included 
within the ear file.  Therefore, jboss will not allow me to undeploy (delete) 
the exploded directory.

I don't know if this is a bug or not but it sure is a pain.

The solution to redeploy an exploded directory that was pointed out above did 
not work for me.
I was trying to just touch the application.xml and was observing the "modifed 
date" on the application.xml in windows explorer would change but the 
application would never repdeploy.  I had to touch (using ant and fileset) the 
exploded ear directory.    This is the only way I could trigger a redeploy 
while exploded.  

I am using 4.04GA on Windblows XP.

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