[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - Re: Single Sign On with LDAP Examples

2007-04-17 Thread thomascremers
I have been on big quest as well to get this working. The documentation leaves a lot to be desired but here is what I did to get it working. First a basic LDAP schema | # Base | dn: dc=foo,dc=bar | dc: foo | objectClass: top | objectClass: dcObject | objectClass: organization | o:

[jboss-user] [Security JAAS/JBoss] - JBoss-sso class cast exception SSOUser

2007-03-29 Thread thomascremers
Hi, I've configured a JBoss-sso RC1 environment in jboss-4.0.5. And I'm trying to use the DemoLoginProvider with an simpel non JAAS application. I can see JBoss-sso start up fine and there are no error with deploying the application. However when I call the application and after the