[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-15 Thread vc123
"timfox" wrote : "vc123" wrote : | | | | 1. I will, but we do not want DUPS ;) | | | | | | Well you won't get reliable (once and only) delivery using AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE either. | | AUTO_ACK = *at most once* | | Right, I won't,

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-14 Thread vc123
"ataylor" wrote : Can you try running the consumer in DUPS_OK_ACKNOWLEDGE mode? | | What is the time scale for shipping your JMS Application, we have JBM 2 being released later this year with improved performance at both the transport layer and the persistence layer. The Alpha should be avai

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-12 Thread vc123
"ataylor" wrote : The first thing I notice is that you are setting the timetolive on send to 1000ms, this means that most of these messages could expire and never be consumed, set this to 0. | Removing timetolive did the trick. Apparently, expiring messages was killing the GC. Now, the

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-12 Thread vc123
"ataylor" wrote : anonymous wrote : But, what about non_persistent messages ? In the current JM implementation non_persistent delivery performance seems to be determined by the relational database backend too as I wrote earlier, though it does not suffer from sync writes as much as persistent de

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-11 Thread vc123
"timfox" wrote : For persistent messages, you are fundamentally limited by the speed of your database. | | So your persistent message throughput will entirely depend on how your Oracle box is set-up tuned etc. Oracle is very tunable however. For persistent messages in the AUTO_ACK mode, yo

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Re: Reliable delivery

2008-02-11 Thread vc123
"timfox" wrote : "vc123" wrote : | | | | anonymous wrote : | | | On my tests, persistent auto-ack send was too fast ( about 3000 1K messages/s) which means that there is no auto commit. if so, it would mean that persistent message delivery is not really

[jboss-user] [JBoss Messaging] - Reliable delivery

2008-02-10 Thread vc123
Hi, We are evaluating JBoss Messaging suitability for reliable delivery. I am not quite sure how reliable message delivery (PERSISTENT) is implemented in JBoss Messaging. Assuming a JDBC persistence manager, does the AUTO_ACK mode result in a JDBC commit after each message ? On my tests,