[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Need help: SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unic

2008-08-13 Thread xinhua
Hi, I encounter an exception by requesting my soap application. | Caused by: java.io.IOException: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1f) was found in the element content of the document | at org.jboss.wsf.common.DOMUtils.parse(DOMUtils.java:160)

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Newbie question : What does it mean...

2008-07-28 Thread xinhua
Hi all, I have a Jboss WS which handles 50,000 SOAP requests everyday. Almost every 10,000 requests i got an Exception: ERROR org.jboss.ws.core.jaxws.SOAPFaultHelperJAXWS - SOAP request exception | org.jboss.ws.core.CommonSOAPFaultException: Read timed out | at

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-25 Thread xinhua
It is ISM of Solaris. Timesten runs in ISM and my JVM didnot close ISM by default !! What a lesson :) View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4166679#4166679 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4166679

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread xinhua
hi, peter thank you for your reply. I think -d64 caused too much unnecessary memory, but I can not simplely get -d64 away, because i use Timesten and jboss need to load 64bit timesten lib by starting. and also , i start to suspect that Solaris didnot take my -Xss opt at all, there are 157

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread xinhua
Hi, peter, thank you for your advice. yes you right, i should contact Sun or Oracle, why i did put the question here is because maybe someone here encoountered the same problem as mine and know how to solve it. And also, i am not sure it would be jvm problem so i wonder if i can tune JbossAS

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread xinhua
hi,peter thank you for advice :). Creating a new jbossAs instance on our productive server for testing is not a good idea (i have only 16G phisical memory and timesten will take almost 12-14G) . If i do that my boss will yell at me :) i have seen the report from tomcat in webconsole, we

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-23 Thread xinhua
by the way, your presentation is very helpful, thanks a lot :) View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4166269#4166269 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4166269

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-15 Thread xinhua
hi, all i have a ejb3 based webservice (jbossWS) on JbossAS 4.2.2GA which generate responses for about 10.000 requests everyday. Physical memory is 16G, 32Cpu, SunOS 5.10 (sparcv9) 64bit. My jvm opt is -Xms1024m -Xms1024m -Xss256k -d64 prstat shows that there are fixed 178 lwps but the avg.

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-15 Thread xinhua
here is my memory pool: Total Memory Pools: 5 | | Pool: Code Cache (Non-heap memory) | | Peak Usage : init:2097152, used:19078080, committed:19136512, max:50331648 | Current Usage : init:2097152, used:19070336, committed:19136512, max:50331648 | | |

[jboss-user] [Performance Tuning] - Re: JBoss (web service app) huge memory usage

2008-07-15 Thread xinhua
in Wiki i found followed statement: anonymous wrote : DO NOT USE -d64 (64-bit) if you do not use ABOVE the maximum 32 bit heap space (2-4 GB of heap). Using 64 bit addressing requires MORE memory to do the same amount of work and provides no advantage for applications that do not need this

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-06-30 Thread xinhua
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : helmutdoe wrote : Same Problem here ... | | | | $Proxy29 cannot be cast to org.jboss.ws.core.StubExt | | | | did someone solve this problem? | | Could you please post your client side code, including the imports? (you too xinhua). I suspect you

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-06-30 Thread xinhua
Sorry, forgot to paste the codes | public static void main(String[] args) { | KSBService ksb = null; | try { | //SSL keystore | System.setProperty(javax.net.ssl.keyStore, c:\\ksbws.keystore); |

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Steps for implementing WS-Security in JBoss using Userna

2008-05-02 Thread xinhua
i tried it in JBoss4.2.2GA+Jbossws-3.0.1-native-2.0.4.GA, Server works fine but still the client error: wsse:Security, which is missing. I use all the jar under /deploy/jbossws.sar/ as my runtime lib for my client program. And i also have copied standard-jaxws-client-config.xml from

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-05-01 Thread xinhua
ok, i see, maybe jboss-wsse-client.xml or standard-jaxws-client-config.xml not loaded ,so i copied the both xml into META-INF and also changed the client code like this: | | Service s = Service.create(url, qn); | Test port = s.getPort(Test.class);

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-04-30 Thread xinhua
Hi all, i want to use ssl and signature to protect my WS on Jboss4.2.2GA , ssl works perfectly but when i use client to send a request with signature, i always got an error. My codes, configurations and evn listed as followed: JBoss4.2.2GA jdk1.5 SSL keyStoretrustStore file: ksbws.keystore

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-04-30 Thread xinhua
ok, i think ((StubExt) ksb).setConfigName(Standard WSSecurity Client); is in a wrong place, now i put it under http auth block | . | BindingProvider bp = (BindingProvider)ksb; |

[jboss-user] [JBossWS] - Re: Need help : JBossWS Security!

2008-04-30 Thread xinhua
i updated the jbossWS-native in jboss4.2.2GA to jbossws-3.0.1-native-2.0.4.GA the severside exception is also changed:( | 12:45:06,234 ERROR [HandlerChainExecutor] Exception during handler processing | org.jboss.ws.core.CommonSOAPFaultException: This service requires wsse:Security, which

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - @DataModelSelection question

2008-02-01 Thread xinhua
Hi,all I have a very simple test code for @DataModel @DataModelSelection,but it does not work...:(. The list is shown correctly, but everytime i click on a row, a ClassCastException comes :((( here is the code: | | @Name(siteeditorPB) | @Scope(ScopeType.CONVERSATION) | public

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: @DataModelSelection question

2008-02-01 Thread xinhua
resolved code should be: | | . | @Factory(pages) | @Begin(join=true) | public ListPage getPages() | { | pages = sglue.loadAllPages(); | return pages; | | } | View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: @DataModelSelection question

2008-02-01 Thread xinhua
thank you blabno, you are right :) View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4125573#4125573 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4125573 ___ jboss-user mailing list

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - why seam conversational component created for serval time?

2007-12-07 Thread xinhua
Hi all, I have a conversation scope seam component (not ejb), and in @Create function i retrieve recodes from datebase. But, i found that ,this @Create function will be called for three times everytime i open the page! :O I have no idea what happend, so strang. Please help me. thanks in

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: boring Login attemption --- authenticate() invocation pr

2007-12-06 Thread xinhua
Yes,yes!!! Problem solved. Thank you very much, Petterson! :D View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4110761#4110761 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4110761

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - boring Login attemption --- authenticate() invocation proble

2007-12-05 Thread xinhua
Hi,all I use seam2.0.1.snapshoot, the authenticate() still be called twice when login fails, it is so bad. And futhermore, I found that everytime i invoke server side method through ajax engine, the authenticate() will also be invoked. It is very boring feature. How can i shut down such

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: @Startup and Seam interceptor

2007-11-30 Thread xinhua
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote : So how does it not work? Does the interceptor run? Does it run and not set the values? nothing happened. @Startup is ignored also. Interceptor does not run. i put a @Create in this @Startup seam component, if my annotation @Kleber is there, @Create function doesnt

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - @Startup and Seam interceptor

2007-11-29 Thread xinhua
Hi everybody, it seems that Seam interceptor doesnot work with @Startup. I have an app scope Seam Component loaded by deployment, in this Seam Component i use my own annotaion (which used seam interceptor) to inject jndi resource, but it does not work. please help many thanks in advance

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: @Startup and Seam interceptor

2007-11-29 Thread xinhua
hi, yes, interceptor works fine with other component without @Startup At first, i have two annotations | @Target(TYPE) | @Documented | @Retention(RUNTIME) | @Interceptors(KleberInterceptor.class) | public @interface Kleber | { | | } | interceptor is supposed to

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - seam theme doesnot work in hotdeploy mode

2007-11-22 Thread xinhua
Hello everybody, i copied theme file default.properties into WEB-INF/dev/, and add | | theme:theme-selector cookie-enabled=true | theme:available-themes | valuedefault/value | /theme:available-themes | /theme:theme-selector |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: seam theme doesnot work in hotdeploy mode

2007-11-22 Thread xinhua
ok,done View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4107132#4107132 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4107132 ___ jboss-user mailing list jboss-user@lists.jboss.org

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to integrate Ext with Seam using JSON

2007-11-20 Thread xinhua
Hi, I suggest to use Ext.data.ArrayReader not Json. I use a4j:jsFuction to get collection from server... For example, after create a grid object : | Ext.onReady(a4j_loadRoleUsers); | here a4j_loadRoleUsers is a4j:jsFuction defined BEFORE your grid js declaration. Maybe there is a better

[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Re: Need Help! encounter strange Exception:not used by any E

2007-11-20 Thread xinhua
Hi, i use DAO pattern, all CRUD fuctions are supposed come from GenericDAO for example, in GenericDAO i defined findAll(), findById()then , i let EmailTemplate extends GenericDAO to get such frequently used functions and these crud functions are also INVOKED in my SLSB. If the reason of

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to integrate Ext with Seam using JSON

2007-11-20 Thread xinhua
hi,damianharvey my trick is , first create grid object with a createGrid(data) function, then use js:function to get collection from server and transfer it into data,after that i use js:function oncomplete to call createGrid(data) to build the grid. yes, i know js:Function is a very cheep

[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Need Help! encounter strange Exception:not used by any EJBs

2007-11-19 Thread xinhua
Hi, everybody, I hava a simple ejb3 app which use generic dao pattern to run on jbosss as 4.2.2GA. The structure of app is like this: | Emailtemplate | EmailtemplateDAO extends GenericDAOEmailtemplate, Long | EmailtemplateDAOImpl implements EmailtemplateDAO extends

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam components Hotdeploy feature question

2007-11-16 Thread xinhua
I got it. i forgot to put seam.properties in web-inf/classes :) Now all seam components run perfectly in war. View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4105348#4105348 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam components Hotdeploy feature question

2007-11-16 Thread xinhua
Hello everybody, so far i used seam hotdeploy to develope seam component in war, it is very nice feature! My question is , after developement finish, do i have to move all seam components from war into jar? Is it possible to move seam components from war-inf/dev directly to war-inf/classes?

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to use Seam interceptor?

2007-11-16 Thread xinhua
both from seam import org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept.Interceptors; and import org.jboss.seam.annotations.intercept.AroundInvoke; is it right? View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4105413#4105413 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: How to use Seam interceptor?

2007-11-16 Thread xinhua
Hi pete, it seems that @Interceptors(JndiInterceptor.class) only works on TYPE not on FIELD and not on METHOD, is that true? View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4105449#4105449 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - How to use Seam interceptor?

2007-11-16 Thread xinhua
Hello everybody, i want to create an annotation @JndiInject(java:/) above an attribute for jndi lookup. I use java bean (no EJB3), so i created annotation like this: | @Target(FIELD) | @Documented | @Retention(RUNTIME) | @Interceptors(JndiInterceptor.class) | public @interface

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Seam Component as Richfaces Binding bean???

2007-11-13 Thread xinhua
hi, xhtml: | html xmlns=http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml; | xmlns:ui=http://java.sun.com/jsf/facelets; | xmlns:h=http://java.sun.com/jsf/html; | xmlns:s=http://jboss.com/products/seam/taglib; | xmlns:f=http://java.sun.com/jsf/core; |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Seam Component as Richfaces Binding bean???

2007-11-12 Thread xinhua
yes, JSF binding bean could be a Seam Component. How about Richfaces binding bean? from Seam 1.2.1GA ~ 2.0.0GA , if i tried to use a Seam compoent as richfaces binding bean, followed exception tells me no way: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Concurrent requests on SFSB

2007-11-02 Thread xinhua
Hi, all from document i know: anonymous wrote : | Concurrent requests to session-scoped stateful session beans are always serialized by Seam. | How about App. Scope SFSB? I need an APP.Scope SFSB to store informations which is also supposed to be accessed by Session Scope / Conversation

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Problem with Seam2.0.Beta1 a4j:poll

2007-07-24 Thread xinhua
hi, i have a a4j:poll tag on my page which has a small time interval value. (smaller than session timeout). It runs perfectly in a tab. But if i logout from another tab. (close my session). In the first tab i got immediately a very BORING alert dialog : View state could't be restated. reload

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Problem with Seam2.0.Beta1 a4j:poll

2007-07-24 Thread xinhua
hi,wise_guybg thank you for your reply. Unfortunately, it doesnot help. Same boring dialog and same boring exception :...( ps: i think i have a right seam filter !-- Seam -- | | listener | listener-classorg.jboss.seam.servlet.SeamListener/listener-class |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Problem restoring view after timeout

2007-07-24 Thread xinhua
hi , have you resolved this problem? I have the same one by using a4j:poll:( please help many thanks. View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4067086#4067086 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - seam (jsf) messages question

2007-07-23 Thread xinhua
hi, is that possible to get facesMessages ojbect WHEN a page is rendered? i created a backing bean MsgBean and bind it with h:messages | h:messages id=mms globalOnly=true layout=list | styleClass=errors binding=#{msgbb.msgs}/ | | public class MsgBean { | |

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - question about web app debug

2007-07-06 Thread xinhua
hello all, i just want to know, except debug.seam page is there any possibility to debug a seam web app or a normal web app line by line . e.g. set a breakpoint, intercept web request , debug app line by line, etc. thanks :) View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Question: seam jPDL

2007-07-04 Thread xinhua
hi, the expression attribute for decision tag is very nice : decision name=decision1 expression=#{xx.xxx} but now, i want to create a n-way decisioin in a custom node, can i use node name=node1 expression=#{xx.xxx} ? if not, how can i get ExcuteContext so that i can use ctx.leaveNode(ctx, big

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Strange Exception

2007-07-02 Thread xinhua
Hi,all Sometime, a very strange exception will occur (at least for me it is:P) when i QUICKLY double click a Statefull SB supported link | Caused by javax.el.ELException with message: javax.ejb.ConcurrentAccessException: no concurrent calls on stateful bean

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - jBPM and Seam Events question

2007-06-26 Thread xinhua
hello all, i use quartz to trigger a process and in a process action i want to raise an seam event. But i failed to do that. The exception is something about trasaction : 10:37:19,918 ERROR [DbPersistenceService] hibernate flush failed | org.hibernate.StaleObjectStateException: Row was

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - jBPM processInstance question

2007-06-25 Thread xinhua
hi, i want to inject processInstance in action after @CreateProcess like following code: @Name(printSthAction) | @AutoCreate | public class PrintSthAction { | @Logger Log log; | | @In | private String content; | | @In | ProcessInstance

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: jBPM processInstance question

2007-06-25 Thread xinhua
i found a solution: @Name(printSthAction) | @AutoCreate | public class PrintSthAction { | @Logger Log log; | | @In | private String content; | | @In | private BusinessProcess businessProcess; | | @In | private JbpmContext jbpmContext;

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Help : seamdisc problem

2007-06-17 Thread xinhua
Hi, I am very curious to see how richfaces and trinidad run together but example seamdiscs from Seam1.3.0.Alpha does not work correctly on AS 4.2 by me: all rich components on pages can not be rendered...need help. thanx. View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Sometime seam listener does not work correctly...

2007-06-13 Thread xinhua
| private Log log; | | public boolean authenticate() { | String username = identity.getUsername(); | String password = identity.getPassword(); | | | if(username.equalsIgnoreCase(xinhua

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Interceptor Question

2007-04-25 Thread xinhua
CptnKirk wrote : So naturally this | | | @Printout | | public String register(.) | | . | | | method is part of an EJB 3 session bean right? yes. It is a sessionless bean. Actually, when i set up my annotation as ElementType.TYPE and put it on the class

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Interceptor Question

2007-04-25 Thread xinhua
petemuir wrote : IIRC method level seam-interceptors aren't supported in Seam atm (JBSEAM-29) - you'll need to use plain EJB3 interceptors (which do support method level interceptors) Oh, that is pity standard ejb3 interceptor way @intercpetors(class) is very urgly. That is why i want

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Interceptor Question

2007-04-24 Thread xinhua
Hi all, I have a simple Annotation like following: | @Target(METHOD) | @Retention(RUNTIME) | @Interceptors(PrintoutInterceptor.class) | public @interface Printout { | } | and the Interceptor class: | public class PrintoutInterceptor { | | @AroundInvoke | public

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Interceptor Question

2007-04-24 Thread xinhua
hi, CptnKirk the app is running on JBossAS 4.0.5 GA with ejb3 container here is my complete codes: | import javax.interceptor.AroundInvoke; | import javax.interceptor.InvocationContext; | | public class PrintoutInterceptor { | | @AroundInvoke | public void

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Question about authentication

2007-03-09 Thread xinhua
hello, can someone tell me how can i list all authenticated identity object ? For example, i want to show all online user name. Now, i put all identities into an application scope seam component, and i donot think it is a good solution :( Maybe there is a more easy way to do that in seam...

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Question about authentication

2007-03-09 Thread xinhua
Hi,fady.matar thank you for your answer. But the problem of your solution is, if the user is session timeout, his id is till in application scope View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4026600#4026600 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - FacesMessages question

2007-03-07 Thread xinhua
Hello all, I use seam security to authenticate user, but Login failed message is very boring. Is there a way to restrain this message from Identity.login() ? thanks in advance View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4025755#4025755 Reply to the post :

[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - EJB3 2. level cache and query cache question

2007-03-05 Thread xinhua
Hi, i opened 2.level cache and query cache in persistence.xml like following: property name=hibernate.show_sql value=true / | property name=hibernate.cache.provider_class value=org.jboss.ejb3.entity.TreeCacheProviderHook/ | property

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - A question about facelets

2007-02-19 Thread xinhua
Hi all, When my application starts on my JBoss 4.0.5 server I get the following ERRORS: | 11:17:48,545 ERROR [STDERR] 19.02.2007 11:17:48 com.sun.facelets.compiler.TagLibraryConfig loadImplicit | INFO: Added Library from:

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Help: sessionContext

2007-02-19 Thread xinhua
Hallo all, i have a problem when i want to inject sessionContext in code: | @In Context sessionContext; | The bean is SLSB and sessionContext is always null!!! Need help! :(( Thanks in advance! View the original post :

[jboss-user] [JBoss Seam] - Re: Help: sessionContext

2007-02-19 Thread xinhua
I can get sessionContext only from | Contexts.getSessionContext() | Why @In does not work ??? View the original post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=viewtopicp=4018934#4018934 Reply to the post : http://www.jboss.com/index.html?module=bbop=postingmode=replyp=4018934

[jboss-user] [JBoss Eclipse IDE (users)] - Help! Eclipse IDE Tutorial!

2006-12-26 Thread xinhua
hi, all i followed the Tutorial doc 1.5 in detail but got failure javax.servlet.ServletException: Lookup of java:comp/env/ejb/Fibo faild | at tutorial.web.ComputeServlet.init(ComputeServlet.java:58) | at