Do you want to turn off all debugging? If so, then there are two possibilities. 
You only need to do one of them, not both.

1) Add a threshold to the FILE appender:

  | <appender name="FILE" 
  |    . . .
  |    <param name="Threshold" value="${jboss.server.log.threshold}"/>
  |    . . .

2) Add a priority to the root:

  |       <priority value="INFO"/>
  |       <appender-ref ref="CONSOLE"/>
  |       <appender-ref ref="FILE"/>
  |    </root>

By the way, the FILE appender uses a rolling daily appender so each day you 
should get a new log file - why not simply have a cron script that runs every 
day and deletes all log files more than X days old?

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