Hello to everyone!

I'm a bloody Jboss novice - the only thing already now are Java itself and 
Right now I need to learn JBOSS Seam in connection with hibernate for a school 

The installation and development of my project is fine, everything works.
But my problem is the following:

I need a javascript on my site. I know that there is the possibility of using 
AJAX and JSF components, but I've found nothing that matches my need.

I need a counter which counts from e.g. 160 down to 0 in an inputText depending 
on how many characters the users has written in the textarea.

So I thought that it might work if I put the javascript itself hardcoded onto 
my site - but it doesn't. There is no error message or anything else that is 
shown. The JavaSCript itself works fine in a normal HTML site.

So here is my code:

I've a template.xhtml where i puttet the javascript between the header tags:

  | <script type="text/javascript">
  |         <![CDATA[
  | function pruef (chars) {
  |     var anz=0, len=0,s;
  |     var msg = document.predefines.predefines:nachr.value;
  |     if (!chars) {
  |             chars = 151;
  |     }
  |     for (var i=0; i < msg.length; i++) {
  |             s = msg.charAt(i);
  |             if (s=='?' || s=='~' || s=='^' || s=='\\' || s=='{' || s=='}' 
|| s=='[' || s==']' || s=='|') {
  |                     if (anz>(chars-2)) { 
  |                             break
  |                     };
  |                     anz+=2;
  |             } else if (s=="\r") {
  |             } else {
  |                     if (anz>(chars-1)) { 
  |                             break 
  |                     };
  |                     anz++;
  |             }
  |             len = i+1;
  |     }
  |     if (msg.length> len) {
  |             document.predefines.predefines:nachr.value = 
  |     }
  |     document.predefines.predefines:num.value = chars-anz;
  |     if (navigator.appName =="Netscape" && parseInt(navigator.appVersion) <= 
  |             document.captureEvents(Event.KEYPRESS);
  |             document.predefines.predefines:nachr.onkeypress = pruef;
  |     }
  | }
  |      ]]>
  | </script>
  | ...

and then i just called the function on the site i need:

  | ...
  | <h:form id="predefines">
  | ...
  | <h:panelGroup>
  |             <h:inputTextarea id="nachr" onkeyup="pruef(160);" cols="50" 
  |             <h:inputText value="160" id="num" onfocus="this.blur();"/>
  |     </h:panelGroup>
  | ...
  | </h:form>
  | ...

I hope you can help me!


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