Hi all... Am a newbie with JBoss. Will be grateful for any help here...

The problem I have is: JBoss shuts down on its own after a password change 
process, following several failed attempts. It is uncertain if this is a JBoss 
problem; I suspect that the shutdown is triggered by something in the app I'm 
working with.

This is an error that arises erratically, hence I am unable to properly 
reproduce it. Here is a short snippet of the logs (due to the rest being 
specific to the app):

2006-04-25 09:40:40,852 INFO  [STDOUT] [EMAIL PROTECTED]&j_password=XXXXXXX
2006-04-25 09:40:40,977 ERROR [XXXXX.jsp.screenlet_jsp] Got new cookie: 
JSESSIONID=260203DE124BCF2488F8CE23B4AC40BB; Path=/;
2006-04-25 09:40:40,977 ERROR [XXXXX.jsp.screenlet_jsp] 
setCookie=JSESSIONID=260203DE124BCF2488F8CE23B4AC40BB; Path=/; 
2006-04-25 10:42:24,969 INFO  
 Bound connection factory for resource adapter for ConnectionManager 
'jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jdbc/XXXXX to JNDI name 'java:/jdbc/XXXXX'
2006-04-25 10:42:24,969 INFO  [org.jboss.management.j2ee.JCAResource] 
Registration is not done -> stop
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 INFO  [org.jboss.system.server.Server] JBoss SHUTDOWN: 
Undeploying all packages
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 INFO  [org.jboss.web.tomcat.tc5.TomcatDeployer] 
undeploy, ctxPath=/XXXXX, 
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] Stopping
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] Stopping filters
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context]  Stopping filter 
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] Processing standard 
container shutdown
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] Sending application stop 
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] resetContext 
2006-04-25 10:42:39,187 DEBUG 
[tomcat.localhost./com.ec.prod.wr.screens.Context] Stopping complete

Some system details:
  - ECJboss cp  : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\lib\tools.jar;run.jar
  - JavaVM home : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05
  - JavaVM type : server
  - JavaVM DLL  : C:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
  - Jboss home  : jboss-3.2.6
 Configuration changes: None of significance

So far I have not been able to find anything in existing forum threads that are 
directly relevant.

I want to be able to debug the problem on the application end. What I need here 
is any possible means where JBoss can automatically shutdown.

Will appreciate any input. Many thanks!! 

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