Hello all,

I really appreciate the time you are taking to look into this. Thanks in 

Question 1: J2EE Question
I want to implement EJB3 using JBoss on a Solaris server for JSP, Servlets, and 
Web Services. Is it possible to implement a persistent/transactional model with 
using enterprise beans and session / message beans and still keep a library 
that can be used on a disconnected client application? Currently we use our 
library to manage a list of people for example in our client/server model as 
well as a single standing swing application. Can I continue to use that library 
in both client and server?

Question 2: JBoss Deployment Question
We currently use Tomcat for our web application. The problem is that we cannot 
deploy without people losing their sessions. We pretty much have people in our 
system 24/7 so that poses a problem. Can JBoss support deployment of new web 
applications without the current users losing their sessions?

Thanks in advance to everyone that can help me out.


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