
For some reason, my stateless session bean starts a long running "process" (not 
in OS terms) like this code:

  | private @Resource SessionContext sctx;
  | .....
  | sctx.getTimerService().createTimer(1, obj);

The long running process is in timer code. And it creates a Queue object and 
gives it a JNDI name like this:

  | @Timeout
  |     public void timeoutHandler(javax.ejb.Timer timer)
  |     {
  |         InitialContext inictx = new InitialContext();
  |         this.commandQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<SomeMsg>();
  |         inictx.bind("CmdQueue", this.commandQueue);
  |     }

And this created queue is used to accept commands from other session beans, 
like this:

  | SomeMsg msg = this.commandQueue.poll();

And then acts accordingly. Other session beans can send a message to this 
process like the following:

  | InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
  | Queue<SomeMsg> queue = (Queue<SomeMsg>) ctx.lookup("CmdQueue");
  | queue.add(msg);

And the process unbinds the name before finishing.

Are there any pitfalls in this approach?

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