Are you sure this is happening? I haven't heard of similar caching issues. Is
there any caching involved within your application for objects returned from
Also, can you try this on JBossAS-5.1.0 CR1?
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It's interesting that
new InitialContext().list()
returns right bound proxy classes but direct lookup invoked on the same context
new InitialContext().lookup(name)
returns old proxy class ...
It looks like InitialContext implementation caches bound objects somewhere (in
static variable?) and
I did some testing: replaced @EJB dependency injection by direct JNDI lookup
but this didn't solve the problem. I noticed that the same $Proxy object is
returned in response to JNDI lookup after several application re-deployments.
Though JNDIView MBean shows different $Proxy objects after each r
JBoss version is 4.2.3GA
I am making hot-deploy just copying corresponding EAR file in the server/deploy
folder. Deployment itself went well except several warnings (I removed log
entries related to entity beans deployment since as far as I guess the are out
of interest).
INFO [EARDeployer] I
Which version of JBoss AS do you use?
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jboss-user mailin
"vlotarev" wrote : but fails after re-deployment (the first access to injected
How do you redeploy? Do those beans belong to the same application (jar)? Can
you post the console logs from the point you do a redeploy? Do you access these
beans from a standalone client?
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