I'm working on trying to understand how to do some more complete (I supposed 
integration testing) of my application (an EJB3/JPA app deployed to JBoss5.)

Currently my maven build runs TestNG and will run some unit tests of the 
stateless session beans as pojos for the JPA stuff (I call a setter in the slsb 
providing it my EntityManager.)

I'd like to mess around using embedded JBoss, but I'm totally confused on where 
to start and what example code to follow. I hear some things about if you are 
using JBoss5 you can use that itself and shouldn't use the embedded JBoss 
download? Examples also seem to show different ways of doing things and the 
wiki documentation seems a bit sparse 

Where is the actual documentation? If I look in the docs in the download there 
is one html page but it's not covering stuff that I see all throughout the test 
cases, such as AssembledContextFactory 

Is my best approach to just try to duplicate things that I'm seeing in the 
embedded-jboss-beta3 tutorial junit test dir? THanks for any help.[/url]

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