As far as I can tell, it looks like the latest version of EJB3 ships with JBoss 
Remoting 1.4.3 as part of the download.  I have been using 1.4.4-1.4.6 with it 
for a while now.  I ran into a bug in JBoss Remoting 1.4.6 
(, and Ron 
Sigal suggested that I try JBoss Remoting 2.2.x.  I thought that I had tried 
this some time ago and it didn't seem to work with EJB3.  But Ron said 
anonymous wrote : "I can tell you that the Application Server 4.2.0.GA comes 
with Remoting 2.2.0.SP4, so the version of EJB3 in that release must work with 
that version of Remoting."

Just hoping someone here can clarify.  Does/should the latest release of EJB3 
(3.0-rc9-patch-1) work with JBoss Remoting 2.2.x?

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