Hi - apologies I have already posted this on Beginners Corner, but not sure its 
the right place as getting no replies - so I though I'd repost here...

I am new to the installation of JBoss in a production environment having been 
strictly a developer until recently. So, I decided instead of going for the 
usual Vanilla installation of JBoss I would try and optimize the install for 
once. I am running on a Windows 2003 server with AMDx2 CPU, so I dowloaded the 
package Windows 64/AMD64 2.0.1 native package from 

I followed the instructions and even installed JBoss as a service, using the 
exe in the package. So far so good. Then I started the new service, I noted 
that the native dir was found and the java.library.path setup correctly in the 
run.bat script, but still I got the message [AprLifecycleListener] The Apache 
Tomcat Native library which allows optimal performance in production 
environments was not found on the java.library.path 

I have checked and double-checked, and even run the run.bat java startup cmd 
from the command line to see if I can fathom it out, but I cannot get the 
native lib to be found (ctnative et al all exist in the native lib folder) - I 
even copied the native libs into Windows\system32 to check the loookup. 

Another thing too, when I try and Stop the new service for JBoss it hangs and 
will not stop. I have to kill it via a process monitor. Evidently I have done 
something wrong on the install - can anyone help who has maybe done this 
successfully on a similar server? 


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