[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.soa

2009-07-20 Thread francescostampacchia
Hello, as I'm a new user in this forum, I don't know if I'm posting in the right section, but I'll give it a try. I've got a known issue with JBoss when I'm trying to interrogate a SOAP web service developed within an EJB through Netbeans 6.5 and the JAX-WS specifications. The service gets corre

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & DEPLOYMENT] - java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles

2007-09-27 Thread patwary_shiva
Hi i am using jboss 4.02 and struts 1.1. i went to different forums but could not resolve it java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.struts.taglib.tiles.UseAttributeTei at org.apache.jasper.compiler.TagLibraryInfoImpl.createTagInfo(TagLibraryInfoImpl.java:420) at org.apach

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.faces.application.Appl

2007-06-27 Thread coejboss
I am a newbie to JBoss and I am trying to deploy my war in JBoss 4.2.0.GA version. My application which I am trying to deploy is JSF-Spring-Framework application. But on deploying the application I am getting the following error: 09:02:41,451 INFO [TomcatDeployer] deploy, ctxPath=/jmx-console

[jboss-user] [Installation, Configuration & Deployment] - java.lang.ClassCastException

2007-01-22 Thread hussain_rangwala
hey guys, i am stuck on this problem for a very long time and need some helpi request the Jboss technical team to please help me on this... i am trying to deploy a struts application as a portlet on jboss portal 2.4.0.GA. However the application gets deployed successfully and i