I'm trying to make a pointcut which intercepts all methods which are annotated 
with a certain annotation.  When I run the ant compiler it finds the my aspect, 
but when I processes the class which has an annotated method, it says "no 
pointcuts found".  I use the same syntax as the documentation.

  | @Target({ElementType.METHOD})
  | public @interface MyAnnotation {}
  | @Aspect(scope=Scope.PER_VM)
  | public class MyAspect {
  | @Bind(pointcut="execution(* *->@com.company.MyAnnotation(..))")
  | public Object transaction(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable {..}
  | class SomeOtherClass {
  | @MyAnnotation() public void foo() {..}
  | }

It should intercept every invocation to the method SomeOtherClass.foo().  But 
it is not binding the pointcut for some reason.  Is my pointcut defintion 
correct?  Thanks a lot.

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