Rafael Chies [http://community.jboss.org/people/rafachies] created the 

"Slow undeployment"

To view the discussion, visit: http://community.jboss.org/message/568529#568529

I got some problems with slow undeployment of aspect module (.aop) in EAR 

For some reasons I splitted my advices in two differents aspects (I'm using 
load time weaving). 
These two classes have some identical pointcuts expressions. After these 
pointcuts be called for a while, I shutdown the jboss and the .aop undeployment 
take too long to finish (almost 5 minutes).
If i put all pointcuts in only one advice (in the same class) the undeployment 
time decreases to 40 seconds.

Anyone has any idea !?


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